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九 年 级 词 组 分 单 元 总 结(牢记) Unit 1 Topic 1 Section A 1.变化的世界the changing world 2.长假过后 after a long holiday 3.度过一个愉快的暑假 have a good holiday 4.你呢?你怎么样?What about you? 5.从…回来 come/get back from 6.发生(按计划发生)take place 7.越来越漂亮 more and more beautiful 8.曾去过某地(表经历,人已回来)have/has been to sp 9.去了某地(人未回来,不再谈话现场)have/has gone to sp 10.在某地呆多久了(和How long或一段时间连用)have/has been in/at sp 11.如此…以至于…so…that… 12.一个合适的地方a proper place 13.拍照 take photos 14.提高我的英语水平 improve my English 15.顺便问一下;顺便说一下by the way 16.根据…according to… 17.孩子们的假期经历 the children’s vacation experiences 18.查出 find out 19.…和…之间 between…and…… 20.填充…fill in /fill out 21.感觉舒服 feel well 22.患感冒have/catch a cold 23.很长时间for a long time Section B 1.参加一些志愿者活动take part in some volunteer activities 2.加入某人的行列(一起干某事)join sb(in)doing sth 3.入党join the Party 4.参加游戏 join in/take part in the game 5.在暑假期间during the summer holidays 6.一个残疾儿童院 a disabled children’s home 7.为…打扫房间 clean rooms for sb 8.为某人做饭 cook for sb 9.一段美好的经历 a wonderful experience 10.从…学到很多 learn a lot form … 11.有时间干某事 have time to do sth 12.没有时间干某事have no time to do sth 13.向某人学习 learn form sb 14.和某人聊天make conversations with sb 15.跳绳jump rope 16.网上聊天chat online 17.暑假补课have summer classes 18.做农活do farm work 19想要… would like … 20.想干某事would like to do sth 21.想让某人干某事would like sb to do sth 22.世界各地all over/in/around the world 23.告诉某人某事tell sb sth 24.告诉某人关于某事tell sb about sth 25.过去in the past 26.过着艰苦的生活live/have a hard life 27.真的吗?是那样吗?Is that so? = Really? 28.详细地描述…describe…in detail 29.支付他们孩子的教育经费afford an education for their children 30.度过他们的童年spend their childhood 31.为了干某事… in order to do sth 32.贴补家用support the family 33.童工child laborers 34.日日夜


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