2009年度南京外国语英语综合能力测试卷 真题!!.doc

2009年度南京外国语英语综合能力测试卷 真题!!.doc

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2009年南京外国语学校英语综合能力测试试卷 1.本试卷满分150分,考试时间90分钟。 2.请考生用蓝黑色钢笔或圆珠笔答题。 3.请考试用英文或者数字答题,将答案写在答题纸相应的位置上。 第一部分:温故知新(14分) 同学们,请根据学过的英语课本中的内容把下列句子补充完整,注意要使语法正确哦!每空一词。 The_____1____on my right is not very bright tonight. Get the mouse on my__2___out of the house. How many brown cows did you see just_____3___? The girl with the yellow bowl is watching snow by the____4______. His sweater is black.Mine is_______5________. His pen is long,mine is_____6________. His bag is big,mine is_____7_____.He is tall.I am____8____. His cat is thin,my cat is ___9_____. The seasons In_____10___,when the leaves start to fall, I like to run, jump and kick a ball. In______11____,when theres lots of snow, I stay at home and wait for____12______, And the fine weather its going to bring. I wait for __13____when the sun is hot, Then I can play games and swim a _____14______. 第二部分:欢乐校园(11分) 一、情景交际,礼貌用语。请选出合适的选项。 1、How do you do?( ) A.Hello! B.I am fine.Thank you. C.How do you do? D.I am a teacher. 2、Thank you very much!( ) A.You are welcome. B.All right. C.Dont worry. D.Never mind. 二、根据给出的首字母填空。 Last week Last week at the camp,I had lots of fun.Now I want to tell e___!We played games and planted flowers.We danced and songs for h___.In the evening,I played my g___.By the campfire,undet a bright star.When camping with good friends.The fun never,n___ends. Mr.Smith is t__a walk in the park.S___ he sees something on the grass.It is a ten Yuan note.Mr.Smith looks around.There is on one n___.He quickly walks to the note,and picks it up.Then a park keeper walks to him.The park keeper p____ to a sign on the grass.He says to Mr.Smith.C____you see the sign over there,sir?It saysPLEASE, KEEP OFF THE GRASS.FINE¥10.now you should give me ten yuan. 第三部分:华夏文明(9分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个正确的答案,并将其序号填写在答题纸相应的横线上。 1.What is the missing number? 数一数二 丢散落四 五颜六色 七手八脚 __拿九稳 2.What is missing animals? __假虎威 __背熊腰 龙腾__跃 A.Tigger B.Bear C.Fox D、Dragon 3.Which song originated(起源于)in China? A


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