A Comprehensive Trust Model for Component Software一种组件软件的综合信任模型.ppt

A Comprehensive Trust Model for Component Software一种组件软件的综合信任模型.ppt

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A Comprehensive Trust Model for Component Software一种组件软件的综合信任模型

? 2008 Nokia V1-Filename.ppt / YYYY-MM-DD / Initials Autonomic Trust Management for a Pervasive System Zheng Yan Nokia Research Center, Helsinki, Finland Secrypt’08, July 27, 2008, Porto, Portugal Outline Introduction and motivation Related work Fundamental technologies Solution: autonomic trust management An example application Further discussion Conclusions and future work Introduction motivation Pervasive systems Allow seamless interactions among various portable and networked processing devices, distributed at all scales throughout everyday routine life Decentralized, distributed, open, dynamic Communications depend on trust among devices: classical, centralized security-managing mechanisms unusable Trust becomes a crucial issue to ensure effective collaborations among various devices for expected services A holistic notion of trust Include several properties, such as security, availability and reliability, depending on the requirements of a trustor. The assessment of a trustor on how well the observed behavior that can be measured through a number of quality attributes of a trustee meets the trustor’s own standards for an intended purpose Related work Xu, Xin, and Lu (2007): a hybrid model encompassing a trust model, a security model and a risk model for pervasive computing Shand, Dimmock, and Bacon (2004): a trust and risk framework to facilitate secure collaboration Claycomb and Shin (2006): a visual framework for securing impromptu collaboration Yin, Ray, and Ray (2006): a trust model for pervasive computing applications and strategies for establishing trust between entities to support dynamic of trust Spanoudakis (2007): a platform for dynamic trust assessment of software services Wolfe, Ahamed, and Zulkernine (2006): trust management based on a scheme for categorizing devices, calculating trust, and facilitating trust-related communications Remarks Mainly on establishing distinct trust models based on different theories or methods in terms of va


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