UNIT6 AT THE FARM四年级英语英语小学教育教育专区.doc

UNIT6 AT THE FARM四年级英语英语小学教育教育专区.doc

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UNIT6 AT THE FARM四年级英语英语小学教育教育专区

UNIT6 AT THE FARM 第三课时教案 执教内容:Read and write 执教人:张珊珊 执教时间:2011年6月10日 执教班级:四(4)班 教学目标: 1.能够听、说、 读、写单词cat, rabbit, duck, pig以及句型Are they ducks?No, they aren’t. 2 能够听懂、会说:What do you see in the picture? I see …….what are these /those? 3. 了解掌握五个元音字母在单词中的读音。 教学重点: 要求学生能准确理解图和对话,重点掌握四会单词以及句型的拼写和五个元音字母的读音规则。 教学难点: 掌握名词的复数形式。 课前准备: 教学过程: 一、Preparation Sing a song 三下U3《One two three four five》(目的:复习How many 句型) 二、Pre-reading 1.师说:“I have a big farm . These are many animals on the farm. Look at me carefully and guess what they are.”教师用口型演示cat, rabbit, duck, pig。 并问:Can you spell the words? 2.呈现单词卡,学生边读边拼写。 3.Spelling game. 教师将单词的字母顺序打乱,学生到黑板前组合拼词,要求每个字母只能使用一次,而且所有的字母都要用上。 4.接着学生拼写在黑板上的单词,进行问答 Are they cats? Yes, they are. Are they dogs? No, they aren’t.可先师生问答。教师板书:Are they-----? No, they aren’t.再请学生上来指着单词进行问答。 5.教师将geese,donkeys 等图片贴在黑板上,通过近指、远指让学生理解these those的含义,带读What are these/those?学生两人一组问答。 A: What are these? B: They are geese. A: What are those? B: They are donkeys. 让学生了解geese是goose的复数。 ?? In-reading 1. General reading 出示本课挂图,教师提出问题,让学生带着问题读课文 Can you see any rabbits? ② Can you see any cats? ③ Can you see any ducks? ④ How many geese can you see? 学生读对话,找出答案。 2. Detailed reading 教师先提出问题: (1) What do you see in the picture?(2)What are those? Are they ducks? (3 ?让学生再读对话,找出问题的答案,进一步理解对话。 3.Read and write 接上一节,师板书,边讲解边书写。 阅读课文后和声课本做下面的练习题。 根据单词的首字母填空。 ——What do you see in the picture ? ——I see five c___s, eight r____s and two p___s. ——What are those ? Are they dogs? ——No, they aren’t. Are they d___gs? ——Yes, they are. 3 Listen to the tape. 4Read aloud. 四、Post-reading 1.??分角色朗读对话。 2.? 给出学生五分钟的时间写出自己家里有的家禽及各种小动物,然后和同学一起分享。 五、Progress A.检测题 1、连词成句 a , ducks, are , they ? ⑵ are, they, not, no ? 2.找朋友 老师准备好名词复数的卡片,在黑板上写好单数形式,让学生将复数形式卡片贴在黑板上。 B.总结课堂,评价学生表现 总结本课所学知识,表扬课上表现好的同学。 C.Homework 看看家里的蔬菜有哪些是我们本课所学的,把它们说给爸爸妈妈听。)What are these? Are they1.能够听、说、 读、写单词cat, rabbit, duck, pig以及句型Are they ducks?No, they aren’t. 2 能够听懂、会说:What do you see in the picture? I see …….what are these


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