Cncrete Me Checking with Abstract Matching an RefinPPT文档.ppt

Cncrete Me Checking with Abstract Matching an RefinPPT文档.ppt

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Cncrete Me Checking with Abstract Matching an RefinPPT文档

Over-approximation Based Predicate Abstraction Our approach Show property holds Over-approximation based Counter-example driven refinement Expensive computation to calculate abstraction Find defects Under-approximation based Abstraction driven refinement Simple computation to calculate abstraction mapping Comparison Concrete System Refinement State space: Concrete System Refinement State space: * To say: Reachability properties We don’t abstract the program counter * * It is well acknowledge that abstraction is essential for software verification. * -predicates = quantifier free formulas over a first order logic May: a1 -may a2 iff there exists concrete s1 s.t. a(s1)=a1 and there exists concrete s2 s.t. a(s2)=a2, s.t. s1 - s2 Must: a1 -must a2 iff for all concrete s1 s.t. a(s1)=a1, there exists concrete s2 s.t. a(s2)=a2 and s1 - s2 * We identify an abstract state with the predicates that hold in it We don’t abstract the program counter * Don’t abstract the program counter More precise than must abstraction (with respect to reachable states) – it explores both may and must transitions that are feasible. Might miss behavior (E,1) not explored We detect that the abs is not exact w/ a th prover * Don’t abstract the program counter More precise than must abstraction (with respect to reachable states) – it explores both may and must transitions that are feasible. Might miss behavior (E,1) not explored We detect that the abs is not exact w/ a th prover * Don’t abstract the program counter More precise than must abstraction (with respect to reachable states) – it explores both may and must transitions that are feasible. Might miss behavior (E,1) not explored We detect that the abs is not exact w/ a th prover * Simple depth-first search algorithm used in explicit state model checking; usually check if some bad state happens (gloss over details) Say that for BFS: change stack to a queue * Holzmann introduced it; natural for explicit state mode


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