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Homework Draw a map from your house to school , and tell your friends : How do you get to school ?画一张你家到学校的地图,并且告诉你的好朋友你是怎样去学校的。 * * flying a kite eating sleeping drawing a picture drawing sunny eating sleeping eating family beach Turn left ! Module 9 Unit 1 Rabbit Dance left right Turn left ! Turn left ! Turn right ! Turn right ! Go straight on ! straight Go straight on ! left left --- Turn left right right --- Turn right straight straight--Go straight on Go straight on, Go straight on. Let’s say the chant : Turn left .向左转。 Turn right .向右转。 Go straight on.直走。 听口令 做动作 zoo left right park hospital school zoo left right park hospital school Find the present The teacher hides a present in our classroom and asks a pupil to find this present , the other pupils help him/her .老师把礼物藏在教室的某个地方,再请一位同学来找这个礼物,其他同学说口令帮助他/她找到礼物。 zoo left right park hospital school zoo left right park hospital school Turn left! Turn right! Go straight on! Excuse me . Where is the hospital? Go straight on! Turn left ! Turn right! Thank you ! You’re welcome ! 三大礼貌用语 Excuse me. 劳驾/打搅了。 Thank you ! 谢谢! You’re welcome ! 不客气! We should be polite to others. 我们要礼貌待人。 Practise in pairs(两人对话练习) A: Excuse me. B: Go …. Turn…. Where is the hospital ? A: Thank you ! B: you’re welcome ! zoo hospital park school left right A: Excuse me. Where is the …? B: Go… Turn…. A: Thank you ! B : You’re welcome ! The end ! Thank you ! * *


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