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* * * * * * * * * * National Alliance for Medical Image Computing Testing with CTest and CDash Julien Jomier Kitware Inc. Testing Overview CVS/SVN CDash Web Browser CTest Developers Testing Terminology Sites dash5.kitware iris.elmtech Linux-g++ Builds Linux-gcc3 Linux-gcc4 Dashboard Why Test Daily? Large code base too large for any single developer to understand Developers distributed around the world Identify problems as they occur Insure that object API remains unchanged Provide feedback to developers as they experiment with new implementations “If it’s not tested it doesn’t work” Dasboards and Software Process Roots in GE Six Sigma initiative Cross platform testing Nightly regression testing Memory (Purify/ValGrind) testing Coverage testing Style checking Documentation evaluation How to write a good test? Use empirical values (5/2=2.5) Test most of the use cases (even the boring/most difficult ones) Make your tests as efficient as possible Have someone else write the test for your algorithm Regression Testing Compare generated image against standard “correct” image pixel-by-pixel comparison can use a threshold metric adjusted for effects like dithering CTest Testing client Distributed with CMake Submit test results to the dashboard XML submission Independent of CMake CTest with CMake CMakeLists.txt INCLUDE(CTest) ENABLE_TESTING() # Add a simple test ADD_TEST(CDashTest1 CDashTest CDashTest) ADD_EXECUTABLE(CDashTest main.cxx) CTestConfig.txt set(CTEST_PROJECT_NAME MyProject) set(CTEST_NIGHTLY_START_TIME 21:00:00 EDT) set(CTEST_DROP_METHOD http) set(CTEST_DROP_SITE localhost) set(CTEST_DROP_LOCATION /CDash/submit.php?project=MyProject) set(CTEST_DROP_SITE_CDASH TRUE) Testing Submission XML Submission XML Parsing HTTP PUT CTest CDash Backup XML File Fill Database Send Email Update RSS Feed Update.xml Configure.xml Build.xml Test.xml Coverage.xml DynamicAnalysis.xml Compiler/Tester CDash New generation of Dart Written in Php/Javascript MySQL


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