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KiranA.Jain,MD Department of Radiology, University of California Davis Medical Center, 4860 Y Street, Suite 3100, Sacramento, CA 95817, USA E-mail address: kiran.jain@ 原作者一般资料 KEYWORDS _ Acute pelvic pain _ Hemorrhagic cyst _ Ectopic pregnancy _ Degenerating fibroid _ Ovarian torsion 关键词: 急性小腹痛 出血性囊肿 异位妊娠 肌瘤变性 卵巢病变扭转 Ultrasound Clin 3 (2008) 1–12 doi:10.1016/j.cult.2007.12.006 1556-858X/08/$ – see front matter a 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 查看所有投票 本贴已得 3 同行票! 如果你赞同本文的内容, 可以给作者, 你在连续七天内最多可以投3票, 今天可最多投3票. zhoum1730 edited on 2010-02-20 20:38 举报 ? 【分享】首都医科大学北京同仁医院眼科09年博士入学考试试题 zhoum1730 发贴: 146 积分: 3 得票: 5 状态: 离线 个人资料 发短消息 2010-02-10 22:15 斑竹: 资料已经译完 将陆续上传 时间匆忙,水平有限,难免出错,请各位大虾指正 祝大家春节愉快!! 虎虎生威!! zhoum1730 edited on 2010-02-12 11:52 举报 ? 患者家属冷眼看医患关系 zhoum1730 发贴: 146 积分: 3 得票: 5 状态: 离线 个人资料 发短消息 2010-02-10 22:16 Acute pelvic pain in women may be the manifestation of various gynecologic conditions that can range from less alarming rupture of the hemorrhagic cyst to life-threatening conditions such as rupture of ectopic pregnancy. Ultrasound is the primary imaging modality of choice in the evaluation of the premenopausal woman patient presenting with acute pelvic pain. Ultrasound images need to be correlated with the patient’s clinical history and laboratory values including beta human chorionic (b-hCG) gonadotropin and total and differential white blood cell count, to arrive at a definitive diagnosis. CT or MR imaging may be performed if a gynecologic disorder is not suspected initially, if ultrasound findings are equivocal, if the abnormality extends beyond the field of view of endovaginal probe, or if further characterization of pelvic disease is required. 女性急性小痛腹常是多种妇科疾病的临床表现,常由妇科疾病包块破裂出血引起:从少量出血到致命性大出血,如异位妊娠包块破裂.当绝经前的妇女表现为急性下腹痛时,超声检查是最基本的.当然超声图像需与病人的临床表现及实验室检查中的b-hcg,白细胞总数及分类密切结合,才能明确诊断.如果不能尽快明确诊断的妇科疾病,超声检查结果模棱两可或者病变太大远远超过探头能调节声场或者需要了解更多更进一步盆腔病变的特征时,CT和MRI则可派上用场. 举报 ? 大家见过这样的钢板吗? zhoum1730 发贴: 146 积分: 3 得票:


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