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目录 摘要 2 一、青岛市和日照市经济发展概况 3 (一)日照市地区经济概况 4 (二)青岛市地区经济概况 4 二、 青岛市吸引外商直接投资的历程 5 (一) 青岛市利用外商直接投资的结构特征 6 (二) 外商直接投资的方式分析 8 (三) 外商直接投资的产业分析 9 (四) 青岛市利用外商直接投资存在的问题及原因 10 三、日照市FDI的现状分析 10 (一)日照市FDI概况 10 (二)日照市FDI的特点 10 (三)山东沿海城市吸引外资横向比较 11 四、基于研究得出的主要结论 12 五、日照市改善外商直接投资现状具体措施 13 (一)正确认识差距与面临的形势 13 (二)政策建议 14 参考文献 16 摘要 青岛市和日照市位于山东半岛东端,三面环海,东与朝鲜半岛,日本列岛隔海相望,北与辽东半岛相对,海岸线长达近千公里,北临京津冀都市区,区位条件优越,具有强大的吸引外资能力,青岛市和日照市如果能充分发挥其吸引外资的能力,将建成功能更为完备的城市,以整合山东省的经济资源,使山东省的整体经济运转得更有效率 Abstract: Qingdao City and Rizhao City is located in the eastern end of Shandong Peninsula, surrounded by the sea, the East and the Korean Peninsula and the Japanese archipelago across the sea to the north and the Liaodong Peninsula relative, nearly a thousand kilometers of coastline, north of Beijing, Tianjin metropolitan area, location excellent, with a strong ability to attract foreign investment, Qingdao and Rizhao City if they can give full play to its ability to attract foreign investment, will build a more complete urban functions to integrate economic resources in Shandong Province, Shandong Province and the overall functioning of the economy more efficient. In this paper, the core city of Shandong Peninsula, Qingdao, Rizhao City, for example, based on Qingdao and Rizhao, basic economic conditions, through the study of foreign direct investment profile, comparative study of the actual utilization of foreign investment scale and quality, as well as foreign direct investment in the distribution industry and foreign direct investment comparison analysis, by comparing them both, Rizhao City come the problems of foreign direct investment, and further study of the causes of problems, Rizhao, foreign direct investment, and then come to improve foreign direct investment in specific Rizhao City strategies to promote the rapid development of Rizhao City Economic Keywords: Qingdao and rizhao city foreign capital utilization 一、青岛市和日照市经济发展概况 (一)日照市经济概况 农业 日照市目前已形成以粮油生产为基础,以果蔬业、畜牧业、水产业和高效经济作物为支柱的农业产业体系,并建立起一批农


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