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勇敢的英语知识  勇敢的英语知识   英 [bre?v] 美 [brev]   brave 勇敢的英语例句   1. it was a courageous decision, and one that everybody admired.   那是一个勇敢的决定,也是一个为所有人赞赏的决定。   2. greg lost his brave battle against cancer two years ago.   格雷格在与癌症进行了勇敢的斗争之后于两年前去世。   3. a very courageous decision   十分勇敢的决定   4. a daring walk in space   勇敢的太空漫步   5. she was a brave woman but she felt daunted by the task ahead.   她是一个勇敢的女人,但对面前的任务却感到信心不足。   6. you have done a brave act and you will hear about it.   你干了一件勇敢的事,你将会受到奖赏的.   7. he was a game fighter even when he was losing.   即使当他失败的时候,他也是一位勇敢的战士.   8. although he was very nervous, he put on a brave front.   尽管他非常紧张, 但还是装出一副勇敢的样子.   9. the two heroic sisters quickly headed off the panic - stricken sheep.   两个勇敢的小姐妹赶忙上前拦住受惊的羊群.   10. mans first landing on the moon was a feat of great daring.   人类首次登月是一个勇敢的壮举.   11. his behavior under fire approved him a man of courage.   他在战火中的表现证明他是一个勇敢的人.   12. he was awarded a medal for his daring deeds.   他因勇敢的行为而获得奖牌.   13. he made manful efforts to move the heavy furniture.   他作出勇敢的努力搬动沉重的家具.   14. the soldiers followed their fearless leader into the battle.   士兵们随着他们勇敢的指挥官投入战斗.   15. their leader was the apotheosis of courage.   他们的领导人是勇敢的典范. 勇敢brave的双语例句   1. i couldnt decide whether he was incredibly brave or just insane.   我不能判定他到底是英勇无畏还是精神失常。   2. i think it was very brave of him to tough it out.   我认为他坚持到底非常勇敢。   3. greg lost his brave battle against cancer two years ago.   格雷格在与癌症进行了勇敢的斗争之后于两年前去世。   4. sometimes i am not as brave as i should be.   有时我表现得不够勇敢。   5. he felt disappointed but he tried to put on a brave face.   他感到很失望,但还竭力强装欢笑。   6. he died after a brave but unavailing fight against a terminal illness.   在与绝症进行了一番勇敢但却徒劳的抗争之后,他还是去世了。   7. youre brave and courageous. you can make it.   你勇敢无畏,一定会获得成功。   8. charles was brave and remarkably good-humoured.   查尔斯很勇敢而且脾气也特别好。   9. the bodyguards, as us   ual, were brave but oafish.   这些保镖照旧勇气可嘉但鲁钝无礼。   10. brave men and women   英勇无畏的男女   11. she was a


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