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中醫神志病的辯證分析簡述 The Digest of Pattern Differentiation Analysis in TCM;内经是医学圣经 Inner Classic is the Medical Bible;陰陽癲狂 Yin Yang and Dian Kuang 基本的陰陽屬性 Basic yin yang property 神氣辯證 Shen Qi pattern diagnosis 神志的活動類型 shen activity pattern 五神辯症 Five shen symptoms differentiation 神志的具體表現 shen activity detailed characters;神志辯證 Shen pattern differentiation 臟腑辯證 Zang fu pattern differentiation 經絡辯證 Meridians pattern differentiation ;病前:天人性格:Pre clinical: personality 病中:神志狀態:During: Mental status 病後:恢復情況:Post clinical: Recovery situation;素問,陰陽應象大論 Yin Yang Phenomenon 5 善診者,察色按脈,先别陰陽 As a good doctor, when diagnose patients, firstly distinguish yin and yang ;靈樞,通天 Ling Shu -- Tong Tian 72 太陰,少陰,太陽,少陽,陰陽和平五型人 There are five type people in the yin yang types, they are tai yin, shao yin, tai yang, shao yang, yin yang harmony types. 辨陰陽而調陰陽 Diagnosis in yin yang condition, and regulate yin yang to treat the yin yang type person. 靈樞,癲狂 Ling Shu – Dian Kuang 22 針灸及刺血療法 Treatment in Acupuncture, moxibustion, bleeding;靈樞,行針 Ling Shu – Xing Zhen 67 For yang surplus people, their shen is easily commoving, their qi is easily mobilized (重阳之人,其神易动,其气易往也) For yin surplus people, their shen is easily stagnating, their qi is easily tranquilized (重阴之人,其神易凝,其气易留也 – Joseph Yang);難經,二十,Nan Jing 20 重陽則狂,重陰則癲 Yang excess is kuang; yin excess is dian;癲証:神氣內收,多內心體驗,好靜惡動 Dian: shen qi moving inward and more inner experiencing, prefer quiet and dislike movement 狂証:神氣外越,多外在表現,好動惡靜 Kuang: shen qi moving outward, more external expression, prefer movement and dislike quiet ;素问生气通天,精神合一 Su Wen chapter 3 shen and body harmony in oneness ‘阴平阳秘,精神乃治;阴阳离决,精气乃绝。’Yin Yang harmony, essence and shen will be peaceful; Yin Yang disharmony, essence will be exhausted ;神气如一,Shen qi unity (Integration) 神气自知,Shen qi awareness 神气清爽,Shen qi clarity 神气自如,Shen qi flexibility 神气淡定,Shen qi stability;神气平衡,Shen qi balancing 神气充盛,Shen qi powering 神气应物,Shen qi reactivity 神气始动,Shen qi initiation 神气运行,Shen qi processing;神气虚损,Shen


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