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Thank You! Text A Ancient Education in China Text B Innovation of Education in Ming & Qing Dynasties Supplementary Reading China's Employment Situation 整体上掌握Text A和Text B 两篇文章的内容,包括背景资料,单词,相关专有名词等。 完成Text A 和Text B 的课后题目。 浏览Text C。 * 导读: 春秋时孔子兴办私学,“有教无类”。突破了官府对文化教育的垄断,扩大了教育对象的范围。西汉武帝时推行儒学教育,在长安兴办太学,还令天下郡国设立学校,初步建立起地方教育系统。隋唐科举制度的完备推动了教育事业的发展,自此,从中央到地方,已建立起了一整套学校体制。 宋代学校制度更为完备,在中央有太学、国子学等,宋代私人讲学的书院兴起。书院注重依照封建伦理观念培养学生的道德品行,在学习方法上也鼓励讨论、辩难和让学生自讲心得,风气比较活跃。明朝强化了前代的科举制度。为了严厉控制士人的思想,实行八股取士,这体现出君主专制的强烈色彩。明代中期以来,书院比较兴盛,明朝后期东林书院以其评识朝政的活动而著名。清朝前期的科举和学校,基本承袭明代的制度,在教育方面进一步加强思想控制和文化专制。 * In the Spring and Autumn Period (770BC - 476BC), private schools prevailed and many scholars of different schools of thought spread their teaching in this way. ? Confucius, the great educator, devoted all his life to the private school system and instructed most students. It is said that over three thousand disciples followed him, among whom there were 72 sages who went on to broaden the acceptance of the philosophy set out by their master - Confucianism: a philosophy embracing benevolence in living, diligence in learning, and so on. Besides that, other schools such as Taoism, also taught widely and this led afterwards to 'a hundred schools of thought' in the Warring States Period. During the succeeding years, private schools continued to exist although there were times when state education became fashionable. During the reign of Emperor Wudi,the government introduced a system which was named 'taixue'. Usually the students were provided with a free diet and mainly studied the classical Confucian books. Following examinations, those with good marks would directly be given official titles. The Nine Grades of Rank in the Regime System (or Jiupin zhongzheng system), employed the following method: in each state and county there was official acting as 'Zhongzheng' with authority to decide how people were ranked in the local precincts according to ability. The system of the Imperial Exam


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