Report on alkalinity measurements on A20 (903 ‐ 1003).docVIP

Report on alkalinity measurements on A20 (903 ‐ 1003).doc

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Report on alkalinity measurements on A20 (903 ‐ 1003)

PAGE PAGE 3Report on alkalinity measurements on P02 (6/04 – 8/04)MethodSamples for total alkalinity were collected in glass bottles made from Schott Duran? glass. They were preserved by the addition of 0.02% by volume of a saturated mercury?(II) chloride solution (DOE, 1994 – SOP 01), and analyzed – typically within 24 hours – on board ship.Total alkalinity measurements were made using an open-cell, two-stage, potentiometric titration procedure similar to that used to certify reference materials for total alkalinity (see Dickson et al., 2003), except that samples were not weighed into the titration vessel but instead were dispensed using a 120?mL glass syringe. A metal frame attached to the syringe barrel and plunger controlled the maximum extent the plunger could be withdrawn in the barrel. This ensured that a reproducible amount of seawater was dispensed.The analytical procedure was as follows:An aliquot of seawater was dispensed into the titration vessel (a jacketed glass beaker with its temperature controlled to ±0.02 °C at about 20.0 °C ), a stirrer bar added, and the temperature probe and burette tip inserted in the solution.The solution was then acidified to a pH of about 3.6 with a single aliquot of the titration acid, stirred vigorously, while bubbling CO2–free air through for about 6?min so as to remove CO2.The main titration was then started and the solution was titrated using 0.05 mL increments to a pH of about 3.0. Data from the pH range 3.5–3.0 were used in a non-linear least squares process that corrects for the reactions with sulfate and fluoride ions to estimate the total alkalinity of the sample—see Dickson et al. (2003) for more details.The equipment used for this is listed in Table 1.Table 1: Listing of equipment used for alkalinity titrations for A20120-cm3 glass syringe with custom frame to ensure reproducible dispensing250-cm3 capacity glass jacketed beakerThermostat bath (Fisher model 9110)Magnetic stirrer and stir barCalibrated thermometer


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