用矩阵变换法求逆矩阵 C++.DOC

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//ó????ó±???·¨?ó?????ó#includeiostream using namespace std; class Matrix{public: void SetSize( void ); void Initial( void ); void Assign( void ); void Display( void ); void converse( void ); void Show( void );private: int Row; int Column; float MatrixA[100] [200];}; //set matrix sizevoid Matrix::SetSize( void ){ int n; cout Please input a n*n Matrix to be converse: endl n=; cin n; Row = Column = n;} //initilize matrix datavoid Matrix::Initial( void ){ int i( 0 ), j( 0 ); for ( i = 0; i Row; i++ ) { for ( j = 0; j Column; j++ ) { MatrixA[i] [j] = float( 0.0 ); MatrixA[i] [Column + j] = float( i == j ? 1.0 : 0.0 ); } }} //input matrix datavoid Matrix::Assign( void ){ int i( 0 ), j( 0 ); cout Please input Matrix data: endl; for ( i = 0; i Row; i++ ) { for ( j = 0; j Column; j++ ) { cout Row= i , Column= j endl; cin MatrixA[i] [j]; } }} //show inverse process void Matrix::Show( void ){ int i( 0 ), j( 0 ); cout endl; for ( i = 0; i Row; i++ ) { for ( j = 0; j 2 * Column; j++ ) { cout MatrixA[i] [j] ; } cout endl; }} //display matrix datavoid Matrix::Display(){ int i( 0 ), j( 0 ); cout Matrix A: endl; for ( i = 0; i Row; i++ ) { for ( j = 0; j Column; j++ ) { cout MatrixA[i] [j] ; } cout endl; } cout converse Matrix: endl; for ( i = 0; i Row; i++ ) { for ( j = Column; j 2 * Column; j++ ) { cout MatrixA[i] [j] ; } cout endl; }} //converse matrixvoid Matrix::converse( void ){ int i( 0 ), j( 0 ), n( 0 ), i1( 0 ), i2( 0 ), j1( 0 ); static int i3( 0 ); float temp( 0.0 ); Show(); for ( i = 0; i Row; i++ ) { if ( MatrixA[i] [i] == 0 ) //If the number on the cross of {//the current line is zero,swap th


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