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xx理工大学本科毕业设计PAGE PAGE I编号 本科生毕业设计汽车轮胎爆胎预警系统的研制Research and Development of Tire Burst Early-warning System for Vehicles 2008 年 6 月摘 要本文是在分析轮胎爆胎的发生机理基础上,根据轮胎压力和温度参数对轮胎工作性能的影响,结合实际应用的具体技术性能要求,设计并研制汽车轮胎爆胎预警系统。汽车轮胎爆胎预警系统是一种新型的主动直接式轮胎压力监测系统(TPMS,Tire Pressure Monitoring System)产品,是目前汽车适用的一种先进主动式安全装置。系统以MC68HC908系列微控制器和无线射频收发芯片为核心,按照实际完成的系统功能,分为安装在汽车轮胎内的轮胎模块和安置于驾驶室内的主机模块两大部分。本文研制的汽车轮胎爆胎预警系统可在一定程度上预防轮胎爆胎的发生,从而提高汽车高速行驶的安全性,具有很高的实际应用价值。关 键 字:轮胎压力 爆胎预警 无线传输 AbstractThis paper is based on the mechanism of tire burst. By analyzing tire pressure and temperature parameters of influence upon the tire performance, the tire burst early-warning system is designed and developed according to the technical demand for practical application. the tire burst early-warning system, is a new product of active direct Tire Pressure Measurement System (TPMS). It is an advanced active safety instrument applied in the modern automobile. The central task of system hardcore design includes MC68HC908 series micro-controllers and wireless radio frequency transmitter/receiver mainly. According to system capability achieved practically, the system consists of two parts.The tire burst early-warning system can prevent the emergence of tire burst partially. Thus it can improve the high-speed automobile security. The system developed in this paper has very high application value.Keyword: tire pressure; tire burst early-warning; wireless transmission目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc202157353 摘 要 PAGEREF _Toc202157353 \h I HYPERLINK \l _Toc202157354 Abstract PAGEREF _Toc202157354 \h I HYPERLINK \l _Toc202157355 第一章 绪 论 PAGEREF _Toc202157355 \h - 1 - HYPERLINK \l _Toc202157356 1.1 课题的提出背景及研究意义 PAGEREF _Toc202157356 \h - 1 - HYPERLINK \l _Toc202157357 1.2 当前国内外相关技术的应用现状及发展趋势 PAGEREF _Toc202157357 \h - 2 - HYPERLINK \l _Toc202157358 1.2.1 TPMS的应用现状 PAGEREF _Toc202157358 \h - 2 - HYPERLINK \l _Toc202157359 1.2.2 当前国内外相关技术的发展趋势 PAGEREF _Toc202157359 \h - 3 - HYPERLINK \l _Toc2021573


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