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本科毕业设计外文文献及译文 文献题目: Correlation Power Analysis with a Leakage Model 文献、资料来源:期刊文献、资料发表(出版)日期:2004 院 (部): 土木工程学院专 业: 城市地下空间工程班 级: 地工121姓 名: xx学 号: 20120114008指导教师: xx翻译日期: 2016.6.11xx建筑大学毕业设计外文文献及译文- PAGE 18 -外文文献:  Correlation Power Analysis with a Leakage ModelEric Brier, Christophe Clavier, and Francis OlivierGemplus Card International, FranceSecurity Technology Department{eric.brier, christophe.clavier, francis.olivier HYPERLINK mailto:@ }@Abstract. A classical model is used for the power consumption of cryptographic devices. It is based on the Hamming distance of the data handled with regard to an unknown but constant reference state. Once validated experimentally it allows an optimal attack to be derived called Correlation Power Analysis. It also explains the defects of former approaches such as differential Power Analysis.Keywords: Correlation factor, CPA, DPA, Hamming distance, power analysis, DES, AES, secure cryptographic device, side channel.1 IntroductionIn the scope of statistical power analysis against cryptographic devices, two historical trends can be observed. The ?rst one is the well known differential power analysis (DPA) introduced by Paul Kocher [12,13] and formalized by Thomas Messerges etal. [16]. The second one has been suggested in various papers [8,14,18] and proposed to use the correlation factor between the power samples and the Hamming weight of the handled data. Both approaches exhibit some limitations due to unrealistic assumptions and model imperfections that will be examined more thoroughly in this paper. This work follows previous studies aiming at either improving the Hamming weight model [2], or enhancing the DPA itself by various means [6,4].The proposed approach is based on the Hamming distance model which can be seen as a generalization of the Hamming weight model. All its basic assumptions were already mentioned in various papers from year 2000 [16,8,6,2]. But they remained allusive as possi


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