and Male Infertility不孕不育病英文ppt课件.ppt

and Male Infertility不孕不育病英文ppt课件.ppt

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and Male Infertility不孕不育病英文ppt课件

A、Secondary sex characteristic is not obvious,small testis or enorchismus B、Short penis,redundant prepuce C、Azoospermatism,or Cant ejaculation Sign enorchismus n.隐睾病 Azoospermatism n.无精子症 Testis size show the growth situation of seminiferous tubule less than 12ml is abnormal Prader measure model seminiferous adj. 输精的 ⑵Hyperprolactinemia(High PRL) Reason:hypothalamus or/and pituitary tumor disease, drugs, and metabolic disease FSH(Follicle-Stimulating Hormone)、LH(Luteinizing Hormone) in low secretion,reduce T(testosterone) Male lactation,sexual hypoactivity,Erectile Dysfunction(ED),the density of sperm decline ⅡEndocrine factors Hyperprolactinemia n. 高泌乳素血症 metabolic adj.新陈代谢的 Stimulate vt. 刺激 testosterone n.睾酮 lactation n.泌乳 hypoactivity n.活动减少 Erectile adj. 勃起的 ⑶Thyroid disease For instance:Hypothyroidism Hypophysis function of secreting gonadotropic hormone declines. pubertal delay,sexual dysplasia,sexual dysfunction,sexual hypoactivity,testis sperm production dysfunction→Oligospermia ⅡEndocrine factors Pubertal n.青春期 Oligospermia n.少精子症 Ⅲ Immunological Factors Sperm has antigenicity Blood-testis barrier is damaged, sperms were exposed to the immune system, stimulate the body to produce antisperm antibodies(AsAb) Reason:inflammation,surgery,injury,varicocele Blood-testis barrier n.血睾屏障 antisperm antibodies n.抗精子抗体 Ⅳ Genetic factors ⑴Abnormal chromosome number and structure Sex chromosome aneuploidy 47,XXY(most);48,XXXY;49,XXXXY;47,XXY/46,XY(Mosaicism) small testises,slender body,smooth skin,no or few beard、armpit hair、pubes,prominentia laryngeal is unobvious. sexual desire decline,sexual function is bad,most of them have azoospermatism Ⅳ Genetic factors aneuploidy n.非整倍性 Genital malformation 外阴畸形 ⑵Testicular dysplasia 1 cryptorchidism Testicular falling path stranded in abnormal position rate 0.7% to 0.8% at the age of 1 y-o 8.5% of male infertility patients Touch no testes in the scrotum, and we can touc


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