2014年高考英语复习一轮单元同步教学资源库优秀ppt课件Module4 Section(外研版必修5).ppt

2014年高考英语复习一轮单元同步教学资源库优秀ppt课件Module4 Section(外研版必修5).ppt

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2014年高考英语复习一轮单元同步教学资源库优秀ppt课件Module4 Section(外研版必修5)

[自我探究] trade在本句中作名词, 意为“贸易;买卖”。 “做生意”的短语为_______ trade with...。 do [归纳拓展] trade还可用作动词,意为“做生意;贸易;交换”等。 trade in...做……生意 trade with...与……做生意 trade...for...拿……换…… ③I traded my watch for a bike. 我用手表换了一辆自行车。 ④They traded in coal and made a lot of money. 他们做煤炭生意,赚了很多钱。 ⑤Salesmen traded the new products all over the country. 推销员们在全国各地推销这些新产品。 ⑥Britain built up her wealth by trading with other countries. 英国通过与其他国家做生意积累起本国的财富。 6When the slave trade was abolished in 1838 the former slaves took over the carnival. 当1838年奴隶贸易被废除时,昔日的奴隶们沿袭了狂欢节这一风俗。 [品味经典] ①The local people took over the old custom. 当地居民承袭了这一古老的风俗。 ②When she fell ill her daughter took over the business from her. 她患病期间生意曾由她女儿代管。 ③Will you take over the driving when we reach Madison? 等我们到达麦迪逊后,你来接着开车,好吗? [自我探究] take over意为“_____________________”,其中over为副词。 接管,接手,接替 [归纳拓展] take away拿走; 使(感情、感觉等)消失;减小;降低 take off脱掉衣服;飞机起飞;事业成功 take down拿下;写下 take...for...把……当作 take on雇佣;呈现 take up拿起;占空间;消耗时间;开始从 事;继续 ④These books must not be taken away from the library. 这些书不准带出图书馆。 ⑤Sales of home computers have taken off in recent years. 家庭电脑的销售量近年来上升很快。 ⑥This table takes up too much room. 这张桌子太占地方。 ⑦After being rebuilt,the old temple takes on a new look. 重修之后,古庙呈现出新貌。 ⑧Anything you say may be taken down and used as evidence against you. 你说的每句话都可能被记录下来用作指控你的证据。 [牛刀小试] Who do you think will ________now that the general manager has resigned? A.take over          B.take up C.take in D.take off 栏目导引 Module 4 Carnival 要点透析讲练互动 知能演练轻松夺冠 人类需要伟大思想家的指引。中国人说:天不生仲尼,万古如长夜。正是有了老子、释迦牟尼、苏格拉底、柏拉图、亚里士多德,人类才从根本上告别了荒昧,走向人文、理性、高贵。 Section Ⅲ Listening,Everyday English and Function & Cultural Corner Module 4 Carnival 要点透析讲练互动 词汇精研 1a food that consists of a tube of skin containing meat mixed with herbs 一种由肉和香料混合组成的管状食品 [品味经典] ①The United Nations Organization consists of over 160 nations. 联合国组织由一百六十多个国家组成。 ②Our class consists of 50 students. =Our class is made up of 50 students. 我们班是由50个学生组成的。 [自我探究] consist of(=________________)意为“ __________________(


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