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Female Bronchial Asthma ;Diseases of chest;Definition Of Asthma;there is strong evidence that estrogen and progesterone may actually improve lung function and asthma;Asthma ;hormone levels are lower during the premenstrual and menstrual phases--asthmatics have been found to experience an increase
Oral contraceptives, which really dampen and smooth out these fluctuations in hormone levels, have been found to improve pulmonary function in some women as well.
women move through and into the menopausal period because at this time estrogen, progesterone also rapidly decrease -- experience an increase
hormone replacement therapy in asthmatic menopausal women have better pulmonary function and less pulmonary obstruction but the increased risk of asthma to HRT on the basis of an observational study in healthy menopausal women;Menstruation and asthma;Contraceptive pills and asthma ;Menopause and asthma;Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and asthma;Ashtma with pregnancy, delivery,postpartum and breast feeding;Incidence;causes ;;Diagnosis and Monitoring;A peak flow meter
at home
the convenience and ease of use
measure the PEFR (peak expiratory flow rate) by taking a deep breath and then blowing into a tube on the meter as hard and as fast as patient can.
every day, sometimes several times a day, and keep track of these rates over time --are compared with charts that list normal values for sex, race, and height. ;The effect of asthma on pregnancyspecially if untreated well;The effect of pregnancy on asthma;During delivery ;postpartum and asthma;Breastfeeding and asthma;The goal of asthma therapy during pregnancy;Prevention;If a patient tests allergic to a specific trigger, allergists-immunologists recommend the following avoidance steps;Monitoring;Self-management of asthma outpatient management of asthma;Treatment Protocol;New Asthma Treatment Algorithm;Categories of medication;.
;Inhaled Steroids;Leukotriene receptor antagonists;Cromoglycate ;Nedocromil ;Theophylline ;A
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