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摘 要 近年来,全球经济正以十分惊人的速度发展着,我国会计处理的方法也越来越国际化,在国际会计趋同的影响下,我国相继发布了《企业会计准则》和《金融工具确认和计量》两个准则。除去长期股权投资行为后剩余的其他金融资产可以根据准则分成四类:(1)以公允价值计量且其变动计入当期损益的交易性金融资产;(2)贷款及应收款项;(3)持有至到期投资;(4)可供出售金融资产。由于交易性金融资产与可供出售金融资产的市场和报价都比较活跃、计价相似、出售的期间区分不清楚等原因,使得这两个科目的会计处理在教学和现实中的运用很随意,这样对于我们学习和理解是很不方便的,也不利于企业的盈余管理。那么交易性金融资产和可供出售金融资产在账务处理上都存在哪些不同呢?本文从不同的角度就交易性金融资产和可供出售金融资产在核算上所存在的差异进行了分析对比,总结出了不同之处。 关键词:交易性金融资产;可供出售金融资产;核算;差异 ABSTRACT In recent years, the global economy is developing at a remarkable pace, our countrys accounting methods is becoming more and more internationalized, under the influence of the international accounting convergence, one after another in China issued the accounting standards for enterprises and the recognition and measurement of financial instruments two criteria. Criterion the financial assets other than the long-term equity investment behavior is divided into four categories:(1) at fair value and whose fluctuations are recorded into the profits and losses of the current trading financial assets;(2)held-to-maturity investments;(3)loans and receivables;(4)and financial assets available for sale. Of tradable financial assets and available for sale financial assets denominated in the same, there are active market and active quotation, selling point of difference is also very vague, so in the teaching and practical accounting treatment of the two subjects using randomness is larger, it is not easy to learn and understand, is not conducive to enterprise management of the surplus. Then traded financial assets and available for sale financial assets in accounting have what different? This article from the perspective of theory and practice on the tradable financial assets and available for sale financial assets through the comparative analysis of differences in accounting, summarizes the difference. This article from the perspective of theory and practice on the tradable financial assets and available for sale financial assets through the comparative analysis of differences


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