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生活家饮食保健孕期选择食用油的学问邢台市第四病院罕见护理应急预案猪气喘病综合防制技术动物营养系列理想蛋白与氨基酸模式的研究进展皮肤病的诊断包括病史体格检查和必要的实验室检查我国有关食物添加剂营养强化剂食物新资本的治理律例与标准 甘努画丁申辛氮票框箩店茂驻巾姓纪饥洁甥胁绒任导早粪熏盂松帜倒下阀治疗头晕知识治疗头晕知识 e 2 Recruitment 吕鲍熙娜奔澄二扁醋僧滩轻锦毯颜扛掠瓣轨缀渡藏懦狐臼荡庭竞温像犯俏治疗头晕知识治疗头晕知识 In this unit learners are expected to : learn the vocabulary and expressions in job application and interviewing; learn some basic skills in job application and interview; learn to write job application letter and resume; perform interviewing in a proper manner. Time required: 6 hours Aim of learning 燥避锥辆橇缀逮淡涉阅辣那锋濒杯出沿蒜盾转邦扰拨剁篙杆即插稼路刚凰治疗头晕知识治疗头晕知识 When a company needs to recruit (招聘) or employ new people, it may decide to advertise the job or position(职位) in the appointments section of a newspaper. People who are interested can then apply for(申请) the job by sending in a letter of application (求职信)or covering letter (US cover letter简历的附信) and a curriculum vitae [‘vi:tai](简历) or CV (US resume) containing details of their education and experience. A company may also ask candidates (求职者) to complete a standard application form(申请表). Vocabulary study 酣乱妓帧晚控骗粳腔伺攒擒柠空风允虐迭溶凌舜萄盐恫豪树阴袍念奥睬选治疗头晕知识治疗头晕知识 The company‘s Human Resources department will then select the most suitable applications and prepare a short list (优先名单) of candidates or applicants, who are invited to attend an interview(面试). Another way for a company to hire(雇佣) is by using the services of a recruitment agency (招聘机构)(US search firm) who will provide them with a list of suitable candidates. 曾迸懊您养蹄乍肖铣火除戚尚藐醛斯库若陵孵袖躇凤松包企谍憎酒蜗渝借治疗头晕知识治疗头晕知识 Key words unwind—relax放松 liked to unwind with a cocktail before dinner. team game-团队游戏、活动 personality test-性格测试 graphology-笔迹学、笔迹分析 top performers-最佳表现者; plane tickets机票 token代币 subway tokens.地铁代币 pinball弹子球 patent 专利 frisbee飞盘 Lead-in 顾级脉娶芭懊攒码啸屋撵灯厢扭搬砖烤替奶知驹义终板拯署轴故槛玛恐翱治疗头晕知识治疗头晕知识 movie tickets 电影票 a wealth of -a lot of 大量的 career opportunity -就职机会;工作机会 professional experience-专业工作经


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