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Module 9 Heroes Unit 1 She missed the final practice so that Kylie could play. 学习目标: 基础目标: 1.Vocabulary(词汇): avoid ,brave, excuse ,thought, rewrite, rewritten, bet. 2.Useful phrases (有用的短语):so that目的是…… ;on one’s own 独自地,come up 出现,发生,be good at 擅长,look forward to 期待,盼望…… 3.Special Difficulties (难点 ):词组so that so …that的区别 4.Key Structures(关键句型) :由so that, because, so 等引号的状语从句 1.She missed the final practice so that Kylie could play. 2.I imagine that she did it so that Kylie could avoid problems with heir parents. 3.They’re standing up because they’re both going to play. 4.Sally said her hand hurt so Kylie could play on her own. 5.Functional item(功能):能够解释原因 6.Grammar(语法) :so that 引导的目的状语从句. 发展目标:能够描述某人喜爱的英雄并给出原因。 目标聚焦: 1.Not bad for a school orchestra! And Sally is really good at the violin. 学校的管弦乐队真不错!萨利的小提琴实在拉得太好了. be good at dancing.(=He doesn’t do well in dancing.)他不擅长跳舞. _________she ____________guita?(=_______ she ____________ guita?) 她擅长弹吉他吗? 2.But the last piece is coming up. I’m looking forward to this. 但是最后那首曲子就要演奏了,我期待着(听这首曲子) (1).come up意为“出现”.如: I hope the same mistake________________________ again. 我希望同样的错误不要再出现. (2).look forward to sb/sth/doing sth 意思是“盼望、期待”后接名词,代词和动名词.如: I __________________________Children’s Day.我盼望六一儿童节的到来。 3. No, she missed the final practice so that Kylie could play this piece of music on her own. 不,她错过了最后的练习,这样凯丽就可以独自演奏这首曲子了. (1).so that 表示“以便,为的是”,引导一个目的状语从句.如: I’ll speak slowly _____________you can understand me. 我将慢慢地讲,以便使你听懂我的话. So…that 的意思是”那么(表示程度),如此…以至于…”,引导结果状语从句.如: The apple is????________ high __________I can’t reach it. 这个苹果这么高,我够不着. (2).on one’s own 意思是“独自地,单独地,独立地”如: We should finish our homework ______________. 我们应该独立完成功课。 4.She said her hand hurt, but that was only an excuse. 她说她的手受伤了,但那只是个借口. excuse 作动词时表示“原谅”,作名词表示“借口”.如: She said “Excuse me” when she stepped on my foot. 她踩了我的脚时说了声“对不起”. I don’t want to listen to_________________.我不想听任何借口. 5. It was very brave of her. 她真勇敢. be brav


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