Unit5 It Was Here Just Now第三课时.doc

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Unit5 It Was Here Just Now第三课时

城北完小六年级集体备课教学设计 科目 : 英语 总序:第( )节 执笔者:彭雪花 复备: 课题: Unit. It Was Here Just Now 第几课时 3 备课人 彭雪花 教学内容: 1.PartB:let’s learn more 课文内容. 2.PartC: Order and act 课堂练习. 教学目标: 1.能听懂和理解let’s learn more的部分内容. 2.学习和掌握be动词过去时的否定形式(wasn’t. weren’t). 疑问形式及一般过去时在there be结构中的应用. 3.通过对对话的学习,能对事物的今昔进行对比表达. 教学重点: 掌握be动词过去时的否定形式(wasn’t. weren’t). 疑问形式及一般过去时在there be结构中的应用. 教学难点: 通过对对话的学习,能对事物的今昔进行对比表达. 教学方法: 讲授法. 自主学习与合作探究法;视频教学法. 游戏. 教学准备: 1.多媒体课件 2.视频 图片 3.磁条四线三格 课前五分钟: 1.朗读本单元的单词和短语. 2.朗读本单元的对话. 3.口头测试上节课所学知识点:is-was are-were have to do sth. 教学过程: 课前热身:教师让学生说唱PartB:let’s chant(P41)部分进行热身,可采用一男一女一问一答或分组一问一答的形式进行. 新课导入(Leading in ) T: Hello, everyone. Do you love our school? Ss: Yes. T: Can you say something about our school? Ss: our school is beautiful. There are many student here. 新课展示(Presentation) 新课展示PartB:let’s learn more.多媒体/视频展示对话内容相关图片. 让学生听录音. 解对话大意,引出功能句. 提出问题. 教师就本段对话提出问题: Question 1: When was liu’s dad at this school? Question 2: Was there a library? Question 3: How many students were there at that time? 教师播放录音,学生在对话中找答案. 教师核对答案,并引导学生用完整句子回答. 四.解决问题. 1.小组合作解决难点,教师进行指导. 2.教师板书上述问题的完整答案: .Liu’s dad was at this school thirty years ago. .Yes. there was a library. But there weren’t so many books. .There were about six hundred students at that time. 拓展延伸. 采用问答,讨论的方式进一步讲解以上功能句 T:IS liu’s dad at this school now? Ss: when was he here? T/Ss: thirty years ago. 要求学生说出更多类似的时间状语,如:two years ago,a week ago,five hours ago. 并讲解含ago的时间状语与一般过去时的关系及be动词在句中的变化. 深入浅出,知识小结. 教师通过今昔对比引导学生继续就对话内容回答,讲解There be结构的过去式: T:Is there a library?/was there a library at that time? T/Ss:yes, there was. But there weren’t so many books. T:How many students were there at that time? And how many students are there now? T/Ss:There were about six hundred students at that time. And now there are about two thousand. 首先用Is there...? 导出 Was there...? 使学生理解表示过去某处有某物.There be 结构中动词be同样变为过去式 was/were. 小结:there be 结构在一般过去时


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