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Vocabulary( 10 minutes, 10 points) Section A (0. 5 point each) Directions: There are ten sentences in this section. Each sentence has one word or a set of words underlined. Below the sentence are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined one.? Mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square bracket on your Answer Sheet. Skin, being sturdy and elastic and well supplied with blood, tolerates injury well and recovers quickly. 16 A. resilient B. elusive C. loose D. expansive 正确答案:A 注释:elastic有弹力的,引缩自如的;elusive难懂的;loose宽松的;resilient有弹力的;expansive易膨胀的。 Our social backgrounds also affect our attitudes toward art. 17 A. effect B. affluence C. vary D. influence 正确答案:D 注释:influence与affect同为“影响”之意。affluence丰富,汇集。 There is an argument that Lincoln was assassinated by an actor. 18 A. stabbed B. murdered C. killed D. shot 正确答案:B 注释: assassinate与murder意思相近,同为“暗杀,谋杀”。kill杀死;shot射死;stab刺伤。 Tony who was tardy told his father a long and unconvincing story to explain his lateness. 19 A. incredible B. conceivable C. unimaginable D. incredulous 正确答案:A 注释: 做事慢吞吞的托尼编了一个很长却没有说服力的故事向他父亲解释他迟到的原因。conceivable可想象的;incredible难以置信的;unimaginable不可思议的;incredulous怀疑的,不轻信的。 The ritual household duties are always considered a dreary grind, for efforts in these areas are generally not appreciated. 20 A. trivial B. redundant C. routine D. conventional 正确答案:C 注释:日常家务事被认为是一种乏味的折磨,因为这个方面的努力往往不被人赏识。ritual通常的,仪式的;conventional惯例的,传统的.trivial琐碎的irredundant多余的;routine日常的,常规的。 The most important environmental influence on fish is water temperature, for fish tend to take on the temperature of their surroundings. 21 A. regulate B. assume C. exceed D. avoid 正确答案:B 注释:take on与assume同为“习惯于”。regulate规定;avoid避免;exceed超越。 Years ago this politician did a clever, but immoral thing, which laid the foundation of his fortune. 22 A. unpropitious B. unexpurgated C. unimpeachable D. unethical 正确答案:D 注释:immoral与unethical意思相近,同为“道德的,伦理的”。u


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