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PAGE 诚 信 承 诺 我谨在此承诺:本人所写的毕业论文《财务分析在企业信用管理中的运用》均系本人独立完成,没有抄袭行为,凡涉及其他作者的观点和材料,均作了注释,若有不实,后果由本人承担。 承诺人(签名): 年 月 日 摘 要 市场经济的发展在我国已经逐步走向成熟,但是随着社会的发展和进步,一系列的问题也随之突显而出,信用管理作为21世纪中国发展新兴之词,已经慢慢开始步入市场,在国外信用管理已经成为了企业发展过程中必不可少的重点项目,在我国尚处于孕育过程中。 如今,企业发展的多元化面临着许多问题,时代的脚步也让企业家们意识到信用管理在企业发展中的重要性,本文从财务分析方面着手,分析企业的财务指标,了解企业的经营成果、创新能力、发展能力,提出企业目前经营管理的风险,提醒管理者提前做出风险防范措施。同时本文也对当前我国信用管理中财务分析存在的问题做出了分析,提出了相应对策使得财务分析能在企业发展中达到事半功倍的效果。 最后本文列举并分析了龙元建设股份公司的总体经营状况以及对龙元的财务分析,提出对了相关信用管理工作的建议。总的来说,龙元建设股份有限公司合理运用了财务分析在信用管理工作方面的作用,使得自身的信用评级水平和同行业相比略为优胜! 关键词:财务分析;信用管理 ;企业发展;财务状况 ABSTRACT The development of market economy in our country has gradually matured, but with the development and progress of society, a series of problems have also emerged out of, credit management as21CN development of new word, has slowly started to enter the market, in the foreign credit management has become the enterprise development process essential for key projects, in our country is still in preparation process. Now, a plurality of enterprise development is facing a lot of problems, the pace of the times also let entrepreneurs realize credit management in the importance of enterprise development, this paper from the aspects of financial analysis, analysis of the financial indicators, understand the operating results of an enterprise, innovation ability, development ability, put forward an enterprise at present the risk management, order management advance to make risk prevention measures. At the same time, to current our country financial analysis in credit management has made the analysis, proposed the corresponding countermeasure makes financial analysis in the enterprise development to achieve a multiplier effect. Finally, this paper lists and analyzes Long Yuan construction company s overall management condition and on the Long Yuan financial analysis, put forward to the related credit management proposals. In general, Long Yuan Construction Company L


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