八年级英语下册 Unit 4 readingppt课件 人教新目标版.ppt

八年级英语下册 Unit 4 readingppt课件 人教新目标版.ppt

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八年级英语下册 Unit 4 readingppt课件 人教新目标版

生活家饮食保健孕期选择食用油的学问邢台市第四病院罕见护理应急预案猪气喘病综合防制技术动物营养系列理想蛋白与氨基酸模式的研究进展皮肤病的诊断包括病史体格检查和必要的实验室检查我国有关食物添加剂营养强化剂食物新资本的治理律例与标准 Section 1 Before You Read PAIRWORK Think of people who need help. Write some ideas and discuss them with your partner. People who need help Something we can do for them old people We can clean their home. disabled people We can buy things they need from stores. children We can help them cross the streets. strangers We can tell them how to get to the place where they want. 残疾人 2012年度“感动中国”人物孟佩杰 孟佩杰,女,汉族,1991年11月生,共青团员,山西师范大学临汾学院学生。   这个“久病床前有孝女”的故事近日在网络上传播感动了众多网民。在临汾当地论坛上,网民们纷纷为她“盖楼”祝福,称她为“临汾最美的女孩”。一位网民写道:“尽孝,是一切善德之始,也是一切幸福之源。在多舛的命运前,我们不能失掉孟佩杰这般面对生活的态度”。网民“与同”在为孟佩杰写的诗《致最美女孩》中这样写道:“……他们说你是一个柔弱的女孩,有着瘦削却有力的肩。年少的你,是母亲的手,是母亲的腿,是母亲头上的那片天。他们说那间陋室,四壁空空,只有真爱环绕在里面。年少的你,是黑夜里母亲床前的那盏灯,是寒风中母亲心头的那份暖……” village /’vilid?/ n.乡村 poor /pur/, /p?:/ adj. 贫困的,贫穷的 Peking /’pi:ki?/ University 北京大学 graduate/’gr?d?uit/ n. (大学)毕业生 volunteer /,v?l?n’ti?/ n.志愿者 Chinese Young Pioneer /,pai?’ni?/中国少年先锋队 dormitory /’d?:mit?ri/ n.宿舍 Discussion: What’s the matter with these children? What could they do? What should we do? Section 2 While You Read Put these words into the correct space as you read. a) world b) brothers c) changed d) agreed e) mountains f) different 世界 兄弟 改变 同意 大山 不同的 Answers: C E D F B A She said helping others changed her life. Teaching high school students in a poor mountain village in Gansu Province may not sound like fun to you. However, it the life of Yang Lei from Beijing. The Peking University graduate first went there as a volunteer on a one-year program. The program was started by the Ministry of Education and the Chinese Young pioneers. Every year they send 100 volunteers to teach in China’s rural areas. the Ministry of Education /’ministri ,edju:’kei??n/教育部 rural /’ru?r?l/ adj.乡下的;乡村的 area /’eri?/ n. 地区;地域 changed “be+v


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