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哈尔滨工业大学工学硕士学位论文 - PAGE II - PAGE II 毕业设计 论 文 题 目 年产25万吨乙二醇工艺设计 学 院 化学与环境工程学院 专 业、班 级 指 导 教 师 学 生 年产25万吨乙二醇生产工艺设计 摘 要 乙二醇(EG)是一种重要的有机化工原料,可衍生出多种化工产品,在很多行业中都有广泛应用。近年来,由于我国乙二醇的需求量逐年增加,使得乙二醇具有广阔的市场前景。 本设计是对年产20万吨乙二醇的生产工艺设计,采用环氧乙烷水合的方法制乙二醇,即乙烯和氧气为原料先合成环氧乙烷,然后催化剂的作用下,环氧乙烷与水合成乙二醇。该方法具有工艺成熟,操作简单,成本低的好处。 本设计包括确定年产20万吨乙二醇的合理生产流程,该流程可以简单分为乙烯环氧化工段、环氧乙烷精制工段、乙二醇反应工段和乙二醇精馏工段等四个工段。本设计根据流程对各个工段进行了物料衡算和热量衡算,以此为依据对反应器,换热器等设备进行了设计计算,再根据计算结果绘制出反应器和换热器的设备图以及物料平衡图。通过本次设计,可以为乙二醇产品的工艺设计提供技术支持。 关键词 乙二醇;环氧乙烷;工艺设计 Production process design of 200 thousand ton ethylene glycol Abstract Ethylene glycol (EG) is a kind of important organic chemical raw material, has been widely used in many industries. In recent years, ethylene glycol has a broad market prospect ,due to the increasing demand of ethylene glycol. The design is an annual output of 20 million tons of ethylene glycol production process design. Ethylene glycol was prepared by catalytic hydration of ethylene oxide. Ethylene and oxygen as raw materials to synthesize ethylene oxide, and then under the action of catalyst, ethylene oxide and hydrated into ethylene glycol. The method has the advantages of mature technology, simple operation and low cost. The design includes determining an annual output of 20 million tons of ethylene glycol, the process includes ethylene chemical segment, ethylene oxide purification section, ethylene glycol reaction section and ethylene glycol distillation section . According to the process for each section carried out the material balance and heat balance. On the basis of this, the design and calculation of the reactor, heat exchanger and other equipment were carried out., according to the results drawn reactor and heat exchanger equipment and material equilibrium diagram. Through this design, it can provide technical support for the process design of ethylene glycol products. Key words Ethylene glycol, e


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