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产业经济 INDUSTRIAL ECONOMY 产业结构演变与三次产业发展的关联度* The Relevancy of Industry Upgrade and Three Industries Development 陈和 隋广军 内容提要 伴随世界经济步入知识经济时代 人力资本重要性日益彰显 我国工业化已处于中期的后半阶段 大力发 , 。 , 展第三产业是我国产业升级的必然选择 在第三产业中 人力资本密集型产业凭借其产业特性将肩负保障社会经济 。 , 持续发展 提供高层次就业的重大责任 人力资本密集型产业是第三产业的发展核心 同时也是经济发展的重要源 、 。 , 泉 人力资本密集型企业是人力资本密集型产业的主要企业形态 由于其企业特性不同于传统的物质资本密集型企 。 。 业 人力资本密集型产业兴起后将出现一些新的企业治理问题 , 。 关键词 产业升级微观基础人力资本密集型企业 作者单位 广东外语外贸大学财经学院 广东广州 510006 Chen He Sui Guangjun Abstract: When world economy comes into the knowledge times, the importance of the human capital stands out naturally. Chinas industrialization locates in the second half of the middle period, and developing tertiary industry is an inevitable choice of our industry upgrade. In the tertiary industry, resorting to its industrial characteristic, human-capital-intensive industries should bear the responsibility of developing the social economy and providing high-level employment. Human- capital-intensive industries is the core of the development of the tertiary industry and the spring of the economic develop- ment. Human-capital-intensive firms are the main firm modality in the human-capital-intensive industries. Because of the difference between the human-capital-intensive firms and the traditional physical-capital-intensive firms, there will be many new governance problems after the rise of human-capital-intensive industries. Key words: industry upgrade, micro-foundation, human-capital-intensive firms 在萨伊经典的生产三要素论中 劳动与土地


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