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21 世纪大学实用英语 综合教程(第四册)727汇总465.ppt

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21 世纪大学实用英语 综合教程(第四册)727汇总465.ppt

Text A _4_Q 5) What would the author use to grab the client’s attention in the first two or three seconds? He would use a fact or an emotional statement that would hit the client where he lived or did business. 6) Why did the author want to find the client’s vulnerable spot? Because everybody has something that will make him or her move or say yes. 7) What’s the most important matter in successful selling? You should find common ground with your client. * fhfgh Text A _4_T Chinese Version 1. 在最初的两三秒就要用顾客居住或工作的地方的一个能打动他的事实或一个诉诸感情的陈述抓住顾客的注意力。 2. 找到弱点。每个人都有某样东西会让他/她改变看法或者说“是的”。这东西可能与他/她的职业生涯毫无关系。它可能是一个梦想、一个希望或是对某个人、某件事的一种承诺。销售就是找到这一弱点并按下“是的”按钮。 3. 找到并强调共同的基础。你跟顾客可能在许多事情上意见不一致。你可能喜欢杰西·杰克逊,而他/她可能不喜欢杰西·杰克逊。你去那儿的目的不是谈论你们之间的分歧。你去那儿的目的是强调那些把你们联系在一起的价值观、希望和抱负。成功的推销就是找到你和你的顾客能站在一起的共同基础,无论这个基础有多么狭小。 * fhfgh Text A _4_take off base… on: use (sth.) as grounds, evidence, etc. for (sth. else) 以(某事)为(另一事物)的根据、证据等 e.g. The novel is based on historical facts. I base my hopes on the good news we had yesterday. 这部小说是以历史事实为根据的。 我把希望寄托在我们昨天得到的好消息上。 T T Language Points * fhfgh Text A _4_take off tried-and-tested /???????????????/: a. 经试验证明有效的 Language Points * fhfgh Text A _4_No longer was… emotional: a. of the emotions 情感的 e.g. His doctor said the problem was more emotional than physical. Both parents should take equal responsibility for the emotional needs of their children. 他的医生说问题不是在身体上而是在感情上。 T 父母双方对孩子的情感需求负有同样的责任。 T Language Points * fhfgh Text A _4_set out statement: n. stating sth. or express sth. in words 陈述,叙述,说明 e.g. Clearness of statement is more important than beauty of language. I think your story is a fair statement of what happened. 表述清晰比语言优美更重要。 T 我认为你所讲的话对所发生的事情作了公正的陈述。 T Language Points * fhfgh Text A _4_set out Grab the client’s attention in the first two or three seconds with a fact or an emotional statement that hits him where he lives or does business. 在最初的两三秒钟内就要用顾客居住或工作的地方一个能打动他的事实或一个诉诸感情的陈述抓住顾客的注意力。 L


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