B5Module8 Unit1 This is Sam’s book..docx

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B5Module8 Unit1 This is Sam’s book.

Book5 Module8 Unit1 This is Sam’s book.教学设计 桂林市合心中心校 潘妮 语言知识目标: 功能:谈论物品的归属情况???????????????????????? 语法:全体学生能运用:This is Sam’s book. 词汇:全体学生能理解和运用:bring??????????? 语音:感知“house”与“horse”的发音区别 语言技能目标: 听:全体学生能听懂:This is Sam’s book.??? 说:全体学生能说:? This is Sam’s book. 读:全体学生能认读:bring,?????????????????????? 写:全体学生能拼写bring 学习策略: 能通过分析物品的特征,判断物品归属,并能积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流 情态态度: 通过小组合作完成学习任务,培养学生的集体观念,并鼓励学生能积极运用英语进行表达和交流。 在故事中学习Lingling 乐于助人的品质,学习Sam和Daming诚实,勇敢面对错误的态度。 教学重点: 1. 理解Sb’s +名词表示物品的所属 2. 感知horse和house的发音区别 教学难点: 课文内容长,部分句子长,在一节课的时间内熟练地朗读或者表演出来对于部分孩子有难度。 Sb’s 中s 的发音有变化 如:Sam’s /z/? Ms Smart’s /ts/?? Daming’s /z/ Step1: Warming-up Greeting. Listen and chant. Lead-in Do you like games? S: Yes. T: First, I wil show you some pics, say and stand up as fast as you can. ?Now let’s play the game one two three,bomb. Who can be the little teacher in the front? T: Great. Group___ did a good job. Do you know whose house is it? Ss: It’s lanyangyang’s house 活动2【讲授】Task presentation HYPERLINK http://1/portal/redesign/index/index.jsp?sdResIdCaseId=ff808081575975d301575f47177f56edt=2sessionKey=YfYDWv6APmfDAgBkdJgQ \l ## 评论 T: Today there is also a house on our books. Now watch and find whose house is it? S: This is Bob’s house. T: 示范: This is _____ white eraser. Can you describe your neigbors things like this? Ss Say T: Look, is this a house? Ss说答案 老师进行发音指导,区分这两个单词 T: It’s a toy horse. Who can repeat. 活动3【活动】Text  learning HYPERLINK http://1/portal/redesign/index/index.jsp?sdResIdCaseId=ff808081575975d301575f47177f56edt=2sessionKey=YfYDWv6APmfDAgBkdJgQ \l ## 评论 T: Now let’s listen and find whose toy horse is it? S回答 T: Now turn to page 44, take out your pencil. Try to find the owners for these things in your group. Ss: find and fill in the blanks. ?Whose book is it? Next one So what can they bring to school? 学生回答 What can’t they bring to school? 学生回答。? 教授单词 bring的发音 Sam and Daming can’t bring toys to school. What can’t you bring to school? 活动4【练习】practice HYPERLINK http://1/portal/


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