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基于指纹识别技术的考勤系统的研究与设计 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT IV 摘要 随着计算机的发展及网络技术的应用,当今社会经济的不断进步,各企事业单位对员工的管理质量要求越来越来高,因此人事考勤管理也显得越来越重要,而如何利用高科技做好考勤(比如指纹考勤)是我们需要深入研究的课题。指纹识别作为现代生物技术的一个重要分支,许多国内外的专业人事都已经从事了这方面的研究。在这些专家研究的基础上,指纹识别的技术在考勤管理中的应用成为了可能并得到了长足的发展,为企事业用工单位的工作提高了效率。 论文介绍了国内外指纹识别技术的发展状况和背景,接着给出了指纹识别的原理方法,识别的各个阶段的内容和注意事项。同时,设计并实现了基于指纹识别技术的考勤系统。本篇论文的重点内容是对于系统的层次架构的设计,以及实现系统所需技术的学习与应用。 关键词:考勤系统,指纹识别,系统设计 Abstract With the spreading of the computer and network technology, and also the development of society and economy, the requires of management quality for enterprises are more and more important, so the personnel attendance management is more and more important too. But how to use the high-tech to check on work attendance well( such as fingerprint attendance ) is what we need to study. Fingerprint identification is a branch of modern biotechnology, many professors and experts engaged in this area. They have got many research achievement. That’s why we can use the fingerprint identification technology in the attendance management. It improves the efficiency of enterprises and institutions. This paper introduces the domestic and fingerprint recognition technology development status and background, and then gives the principle of the fingerprint identification method, content and precautions identified various stages. Meanwhile, the design and implementation of time and attendance system based on fingerprint recognition technology. Focus on the contents of this thesis is the architecture of the system-level design, and application of the system to achieve the required learning and technology. Keyword:Time and attendance system, fingerprint identification system design 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc 第一章 指纹识别的原理和方法 PAGEREF _Toc \h 4 HYPERLINK \l _Toc 1.1 指纹识别的原理 PAGEREF _Toc \h 4 HYPERLINK \l _Toc 1.1.1 指纹注册 PAGEREF _Toc \h 4 HYPERLINK \l _Toc 1.1.2 指纹识别 PAGEREF _Toc \h 4 HYPERLINK \l _Toc 1.2 指纹的采集方法 PAGEREF _Toc \h 5 HYPERLINK \l _Toc 1.2.1 指纹采集 PAGEREF _Toc



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