(挺好)(有节解跟例文)comparison of curriculum vita and resume.doc

(挺好)(有节解跟例文)comparison of curriculum vita and resume.doc

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(挺好)(有节解跟例文)comparison of curriculum vita and resume

Comparison of Curriculum Vita and Resume What is it? CV: A full list of your professional and educational history. Usually each experience with detail is included. Resume: A summary of your experience and skills that is most pertinent. A resume is selective about what is highlighted about your background and experience depending upon the position being targeted. How long is it? CV: Usually several pages Resume: Usually one page; sometimes two pages with extensive experience When do you use it? CV: Used for academic positions and research positions Resume: Used for every other type of job outside of academia and research science Do you include your publications? CV: Yes Resume: No, unless position is research in industry or similar type of position How important is style and layout? CV: Although content is most important, and some say that style is not as important, style does matter Resume: Style and content are important Other information to include? CV: title of your dissertation, overview of your dissertation, titles and description of courses you have taught, all of your awards, your advisor and committee members' names, your references, conferences attended and publications. Resume: none of the above, except some of your most noteworthy awards, and in some cases your thesis title Resume Essentials Action Orientation Use action verbs and phrases to present yourself as a "doer". Skills and achievements are best highlighted when active. Using phrases like "Duties included:" and "Responsibilities included:" is passive and should be minimized. If you find it awkward to use action verbs for certain descriptions, then use words with as much impact as possible, "As the leader of a five-person project team..." Adapted Delegated Fostered Observed Screened Administered Delivered Founded Operated Selected Advised Demonstrated Generated Organized Served Analyzed Designed Guided Participated Set up Applied Determined Harnessed Performed Sold Arranged Developed


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