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Outline 提纲 Telenor 挪威电信 Telenor ASA is a publicly listed international telecommunications and communications group with its headquarters in Norway 挪威电信集团公司是一个公开上市的国际性电信和通讯集团,总部在挪威 The group has operational activities in 18 countries outside Norway 除挪威之外,集团在另外18个国家也有业务 Products and services 产品与服务 Development and supply of mobile services to the Norwegian, Nordic and international markets 为挪威,北欧和国际市场开发和提供移动服务 Largest supplier of TV channels, entertainment and supplementary services over satellite and cable in the Nordic countries 北欧利过卫星和线缆提供电视频道,娱乐和其他附加服务的最大的供应商 Development, operation and supply of communications and IT solutions to the Norwegian, Nordic and European business markets 为挪威,北欧和欧洲商业市场开发,提供和运营各种通信和信息技术的综合业务 Development, supply and operation of fixed network services to the residential,business and wholesale markets, mainly in Norway 为挪威的民用,商业和批发市场开发,提供和运营固定网络业务 Key facts 主要数据 Ranked as the 12th largest mobile operator in the world (Source: GSM Associations ) 被列为世界第十二大移动电信运营商 38.9 million mobile subscribers world wide 在全世界范围内有3890 万移动电话订户 2.6 million TV subscribers in the Nordic region 在北欧有260万电视订户 Market leader in Norway (market shares) 在挪威市场站主导地位(市场比份) Full time employees 20.200 (8.750 outside Norway) 全职员工20200人(挪威境外员工8750人) The Telenor share 挪威电信股票 Publicly listed: December 4, 2000 in Oslo and New York 公开上市:2000年12月4日在奥斯陆和纽约股市 State ownership share: 53.2 per cent 国家拥有股份:53.2% The Telenor centre 挪威电信公司总部 The Nordic region’s leading workplace for innovative activities 北欧地区在技术创新方面遥遥领先的工作场所 Bringing together approx. 5.000 employees in the Oslo area 集中了奥斯陆地区约5000名员工 Close integration with Telenor centres in Norway and abroad 与挪威电信在国内各地区以及在其他国家的业务中心融合成一个整体 /csr Thank you! 谢谢大家! * * Corporate Social Responsibility The Risk Perspective 从风险角度来看待 企业社会责任 Olav Peter Hypher - Telenor ASA 挪威电信集团有限公司, 奥拉夫?佩德?希佛尔 Beijing October 12th 2004 2004年10月12日,北京 This is Telenor 挪威电信简介 CSR from the risk perspective 从风险角度看企业社会责任 How t


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