外研社人教版高一英语必修一unit3 reading阅读教案资料.ppt

外研社人教版高一英语必修一unit3 reading阅读教案资料.ppt

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外研社人教版高一英语必修一unit3 reading阅读教案资料.ppt

Welcome to my class ;Maldives 马尔代夫;Leshan Buddha (Sichuan);The North Pole;It flows through eastern Africa. Its length is about 6,677 km. It is the longest river in the world.;The river has been an important trade and transportation route since ancient times. It is in China. It is the longest river of China and of Asia. ;This river is called our mother river.;This is the famous river in Guangdong Province.;Volga(伏尔加);Rhine(莱茵);;Enjoy a short film and answer the question : What is the tenth longest river in the world? ;Journey down the Mekong;which is the main idea of the passage?;Find out the main idea of each paragraph: Paragraph 1:_____________ Paragraph 2:_____________ Paragraph 3:_____________; ;Where and How ;Read it fast and answer the questions ;Paragraph 3: Preparation What can you see along the Mekong?;g_____;True or False?;4. Wang Kun gave in at last. 5. The Tibetan Mountain where the Mekong River begins is 5,000 meters high.;A Summary; ③ Life is wonderful. Love it, and we will enjoy it. Nature is beautiful. Explore it, and we can benefit (获益于)from it. ;Make up a dialogue;Where are you going? why? When are you leaving? How are you going to …? When are you arriving in/at …? Where are you staying? How long are you staying in …? When are you coming back? Farewells: Have a good trip/ journey; Have a good day/time; Enjoy yourself; Best wishes; Have fun; Good luck; Take care! ; 1.Find more information about the Mekong River. 2. Review the passage after class and pay attention to new words and phrases. ;Thank you for attention!;;;;;;;;;What the atlas tells about the Mekong:;Sample dialogue: A: Tom, where are you going on holiday? B: I’m going to Laos. A: When are you leaving? B: Next Sunday. A: How are you going to Laos? B: I’m taking a plane. A: How long are you staying in Laos? B: About two weeks. A: Great. Have a good trip. B: Thanks.;;;;;;;;; List the countries that the Mekong River flows through;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;


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