上海教育版英语三年级上册unit 7《in the classroom》(第1课时)课件.ppt

上海教育版英语三年级上册unit 7《in the classroom》(第1课时)课件.ppt

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Pre-task preparations: 1. Enjoy the song<Our school will shine>,欣赏歌曲引出主题school。 补充复数形式,复习数词和颜色的单词,拓展句型How many ...? 及 I like the ... door best. While-task procedures: 6.Look and say学习新单词open和close。 按门铃听到门铃声,说Open the door. 就会出现一个卡通人物,然后关上门,再练习一次。 补充复数形式,复习颜色的单词和拓展句型What colour ...? It’s ... While-task procedures: 7.Learn the letters 学习单词nose。 While-task procedures: 5.Look and say学习新单词clean的两种含义。并巩固新词组Look at ... While-task procedures: 3.Match and say 巩固字形,点击图片出现连线。 While-task procedures: 3.Match and say 巩固字形,点击图片出现连线。 While-task procedures: 5.Look and say学习新单词clean的两种含义。并巩固新词组Look at ... 《牛津英语》 Period 1 Things in the classroom In the classroom What?can?you?see?in?our?classroom? I?can?see... What?colour?is?it/are they? It's/They are?... How?many?...?are?there? There?is/are... Other things Things in the classroom Stationary 文具 New words People Open the door. Close the door. door door Knock at the door. door Let’s chant. Door, door, knock at the door. Door, door, open the door. Door, door, close the door. window Open the door and open the window when you come to the classroom! Because it’s good for our health! (早晨来到学校后,请记住把门窗打开,这样对我们的身体是有好处的哦!) There is a thing in our classroom. It’s big. It’s rectangle.(长方形) We can write and draw on it. It’s black. What’s this? Q: What colour is the blackboard? A: It’s ________. + board + board M M M for my. My books, my pens do you like? N N N for no. No pens, no books, where do they go? This is Kitty. She’s short and thin. Look at the blackboard. It’s dirty. This is her mother. She’s beautiful. Clean the blackboard. Look at the blackboard. It’s clean. door window classroom blackboard door window blackboard 一、根据左面的图片在四线格中填入相应的单词。 1、 2、 3、 door window blackboard 1、Clean the . 二、请根据图片提示及语境填入适当的单词。 . 2、Please close the . 3、Open the , Please. blackboard door window It's very hot. Open the door. Open th


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