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犬猫细菌性传染病;历史沿革;病原;;培养特性;种名;流行病学;Lone_Star_Tick. ;发病机理;发病机理;症状;犬单核细胞性埃利希体病(1);犬单核细胞性埃利希体病(2);犬粒细胞性埃利希体病;犬循环血小板减少症;病变;诊断;治疗;预防;Although rarely seen, the presence of organisms within the white blood cells is diagnostic for ehrlichiosis. Arrow points to a morula of Ehrlichia Canis in a white cell. ;血巴尔通体病 (hemobartonellosis);由血巴尔通体引起的猫和犬以免疫介导性红细胞损伤,导致动物贫血和死亡为特征的疾病 经吸血昆虫和医源性输血等途径感染,世界上许多地区存在此病 ;病原;流行病学;发病机理和症状;猫 急性病例若不及时治疗,约1/3因严重贫血而死亡 康复者,可能复发菌血症并在数月至数年内保持慢性感染状态 慢性感染带菌猫,外表正常,但可出现轻度再生障碍性贫血 犬 血液涂片中偶尔可见犬血巴尔通体,一般认为致病性不强,应注意检查其它并发的传染性或非传染性疾病;诊断和治疗;Fig. 1. Cat, blood smear, Wright-Leishman stain. Scattered erythrocytes contain delicate ring and rod forms of Hemobartonella felis. ;Fig. 2. Cat, blood smear, Wright-Leishman stain. H. felis organisms are present on erythrocytes and scattered singly and in small aggregates in the background of the smear. ;Fig. 3. Cat, blood smear, Wright-Leishman stain. The presence of stain precipitate interferes with the identification of H. felis. ;Fig. 4. Cat, blood smear, Wright-Leishman stain. Polychromasia indicates regenerative anemia in a cat with hemobartonellosis. Also present are macrocytosis, a rubricyte, a metarubricyte, and a small lymphocyte ;Fig. 5. Cat, blood smear, Wright-Leishman stain. Polychromasia, three metarubricytes, and one erythrocyte with a Howell-Jolly body are present in the blood smear of a cat with hemobartonellosis ;Fig. 6. Cat, blood smear, Wright-Leishman stain. Autoagglutination in blood smear of a cat with hemobartonellosis. Erythrocyte aggregates did not disperse when blood was diluted with saline and examined as a wet mount preparation. ;Fig. 7. Cat, blood smear, Wright-Leishman stain. Erythrophagocytosis by blood monocytes in a cat with hemobartonellosis. ;Fig. 8. Cat, blood smear, Wright-Leishman stain. Signet ring morphology of Cytauxzoon felis ;Fig. 9. Cat, blood smear, Wright-Leishman stain. Basophilic stippling of erythrocytes in a blood smear from a cat with lead poisoning. ;Fig. 10. Cat, blood smea


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