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數學學習介入 早期數學學習介入 Early Numeracy Booster Mathematics Institute for Learning Disabilities and Difficulties /institutes/mathematics 數學問題解決介入 Problem-type Transfer Instruction Fuchs team at Vanderbilt University Number sense: subitizing quantities of 3 or less, without counting Counting number in a set at least to 5 Discriminating between small quantities Comparing numerical magnitudes Transforming sets with totals of 5 * Using this identification method, some MLD will not be identified, their achievement may be higher 10 percentile. * Working memory: holding mental representation of information and engaging another mental processes simultaneously Central executive: phonetic buffer, visuospatial sketch pad, episodic buffer Visuospatial thinking Problem solving intervention * Deficit in operation of central executive system: deficits in holding one information and processing counting at the same time. Poor adaptive shift in problem-solving strategies is related to poor working memory * Students with long-term memory deficit are the ones with RD too We used the findings in 80’s to study MLD, counting concepts, addition problems. * Early numeracy booster Task analysis Modeling Error correction procedures Individual practices Engaging students in ways to practices * + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 一個較受忽略的學習障礙— 數學學習障礙 施達明 教育學院 澳門大學 流程與內容 為何較少數學學習障礙的研究? 數學學習困難與學習障礙 近年發展與研究 數學學障兒童特質 數數 (counting) 問題解決 (problem solving) 兩類學習障礙之比較 閱讀障礙與數學障礙之教育研究數量比例 1966-1975 100:1 1976-1985 36:1 1986-1995 22:1 1996-2005 14:1 (Gersten, Clarke, Mazzocco, 2007) 出現率差異之可能原因 大眾都在爭議數學能力是否生活中必要之能力? 閱讀能力比數學能力重要 數學障礙成因之爭議 仍未有確認的生理成因 學校數學學習之複雜性,需要多項認知技能 數字感、記憶、觀念形成、計算程序、解題策略 數學障礙成因之複雜 數學障礙診斷標準 數學知識、數學程序、概念知識、後設認知(metacognition)、… 數學困難與數學障礙是否兩組獨立組群? 數學學習障礙與學習困難 如何界定數學學習困難與學習障礙? 以標準化數學成就測驗作鑑定,但不同學者用不同的界定分數 有以百分等位 (percentile) 在10以下為標準 有以百分等位在35以下,並有數學學習障礙特徵 引出的問題 數學學習困難與學習障礙是否有質的分別? 近年發展與研究 工作記憶(working memory)與數學學習障礙 Swanson Siegel (2001) 視覺空間思維(visuospatial thinking) Ansari


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