
Cap 311L s 8 Supplying or selling fuel additives containing lead一.doc

Cap 311L s 8 Supplying or selling fuel additives containing lead一.doc

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Cap 311L s 8 Supplying or selling fuel additives containing lead一 摘要:本文主要介绍了Cap 311L s 8 Supplying or selling fuel additives containing lead的主要内容。 (Cap 311 section 43) [Sections 2 to 6] 25 June 1994 Section 7 1 April 1995 L.N. 379 of 1994] (L.N. 196 of 1994) Cap 311L s 1 (Omitted as spent) PART I PRELIMINARY (Omitted as spent) (Enacted 1994) Cap 311L s 2 Interpretation In this Regulation, unless the context otherwise requires- cetane number (十六烷值) means the cetane number of diesel determined by the test procedure of the International Organization for Standardization commonly known as ISO 5165; (L.N. 15 of 2002) fuel additive (燃料添加剂) means any substance, other than fuel , which is designed to be added to the fuel tank, the fuel supply system, or the combustion space of the engine of a motor vehicle; (L.N. 35 of 1999) leaded petrol (含铅汽油) means any petrol other than unleaded petrol; light diesel oil (轻柴油) has the same meaning as in section 69 of the Dutiable Commodities Ordinance (Cap 109); motor octane number (马达法辛烷值) means the motor octane number of petrol determined by the test procedure of the European Standards commonly known as EN 25163; (L.N. 15 of 2002) motor vehicle diesel (汽车柴油) means any light diesel oil which complies with the specifications as specified in Schedule 1; motor vehicle diesel retailer (汽车柴油零售商) means a person who sells, or offers for sale, motor vehicle diesel by retail to the public at large for use in motor vehicles; motor vehicle diesel supplier (汽车柴油供应商) means a person who, in the course of business, supplies or distributes motor vehicle diesel but does not include a motor vehicle diesel retailer; petrol supplier (汽油供应商) means a person who, in the course of business, supplies or distributes petrol but does not include a petrol retailer; research octane number (研究法辛烷值) means the research octane number of petrol determined by the test procedure of the European Standards commonly known as EN 25164; (L.N. 15 of 2002) unleaded petrol (无铅汽油)


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