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* 2.2 Devices of Foregrounding Outside literature, language tends to be automatized; its structures and meanings are used routinely. Within literature, however, this is opposed by devices which thwart the automatism with which language is read, processed, or understood. Generally, two such devices may be distinguished, deviation and parallelism. * Deviation corresponds to the traditional idea of poetic license: the writer of literature is allowed - in contrast to the everyday speaker - to deviate from rules, maxims, or conventions. These may involve the language, as well as literary traditions or expectations set up by the text itself. The result is some degree of surprise in the reader, and his / her attention is thereby drawn to the form of the text itself (rather than to its content). Cases of neologism, live metaphor, or ungrammatical sentences, as well as archaisms, paradox, and oxymoron (the traditional tropes) are clear examples of deviation. * Devices of parallelism are characterized by repetitive structures: (part of) a verbal configuration is repeated (or contrasted), thereby being promoted into the foreground of the readers perception. Traditional handbooks of poetics and rhetoric have surveyed and described (under the category of figures of speech) a wide variety of such forms of parallelism, e.g., rhyme, assonance, alliteration, meter, semantic symmetry, or antistrophe. Analysis of literary language Foregrounding on the level of lexis Foregrounding on the level of syntax: word order, word groups, deviant or marked structures Rewriting for comparative studies Meaning Context Figurative language * 罗兰·巴特 * 转换生成文体学 乔姆斯基:转换生成语法理论 能够解释文学语言中特殊语音、词语和句法形式的意义; 用简单清晰的转换式语言句法结构分析文学作品,对文学文体的精确描述和不同作品文体间的比较研究也很有帮助。 欧曼对福克纳的小说《熊》的分析 乔姆斯基 * 系统功能文体学 韩礼德:系统功能语法 着重从功能的角度来研究语言选择的过程以及选择的结果所产生的文体效应 韩礼德:《语言功能和文学文体:对威廉 · 戈尔丁的〈继承者〉的语言的探索 》 韩礼德 * 现代语言学和文学批评的影响 现代文体学的形成与发展在很大程度上得益于语言学研究的突破。语言学的发展方向大大开拓了语言对于文学研究的解释能力。 现代文学批评流派的兴起与发展对现代文体学批评也影响深远。 * 总的来看,现代文体学是现代语言学理论与现代文


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