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HYPERLINK "" 美联英语提供:职场英语:刚上班就后悔的7个处理办法 小编给你一个美联英语官方试听课申请链接: HYPERLINK "/?tid=16-73374-0" /?tid=16-73374-0 When you experience buyer's remorse on your way home from the shopping mall, it's easy enough to go back and return that expensive jacket you don't really need. But when you feel that same pang of regret on your first day at a new job, reversing the situation is a bit trickier. 当你在从商场回家的路上经历后悔购买这种感觉时,返回商场退掉又贵又不是很需要的夹克衫是很容易的。但当你在新工作的第一天体会到这种后悔的感觉时,扭转局势就有点棘手了。 According to Patrick King, a communications expert and business author, it's not uncommon to start a new job and immediately want to quit. 根据沟通专家和商业作家帕特里克·金的说法,开始一份新工作之后立刻想辞职是非常正常的。 "There are three main reasons this happens," he says. "First, because the job was a 'fallback,' and the dream opportunity finally pulled through ... just a few days too late. Second, because of interpersonal, culture, or 'fit' issues. And third, because the job was misrepresented during the interview process." “导致这件事发生有三个主要原因,”他说,“首先,因为这份工作是‘后备品’,梦想的机会终于到来了...只是为时太晚。其次,因为人际关系、文化背景、或是‘适应’问题。第三,因为这份工作不像在面试中描述的那样。” If you find yourself in one of these situations and desperately want to quit, here's how to go about it: 如果你发现自己处于这几种情况之下,并且拼命地想要辞职,下面会告诉你该如何做: Don't act without thinking 别冲动行事 Give it a few days (or weeks) before you decide what you really want to do. 留出几天(或者几周)的时间决定自己真正想做什么。 Sure, you might be tempted to quit on the spot after you get that call from your dream employer telling you they'd like to offer you a job —but don't. 的确,在接到你梦寐以求的雇主的电话,告诉你他们想提供给你一份工作时,你可能想立即辞掉现在的工作。但是不要这样做。 No matter what the situation (unless, of course, your new employer is doing something illegal or entirely unethical or unsafe), take some time to consider all your options and weigh the pros and cons of staying. 不管是什么情况(当然了,除非你的新雇主做的是非法或者完全不道德、不安全的事情),花一些时间去考虑所有你可做的选择,权衡留下来的利弊。 "The first step is to decide whether you are reacting emotionally, or thinking objectively," says King. "It's often a thin line." “第一步先确定这是情感反应,还是客观思考的结果,”金说。“这通常是很难区分的


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