unit 9 mass media幻灯片.pptVIP

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09A Computer Age has revolutionized mass media. With the development of computer and Internet,traditional mass media,such as magzine,newspaper,radio station,have been suffering a great depression.At the same time some conterparts have emerged and gradually take place their position. Self-media is such a kind of newly-emerging media,which has many obviouysly different characteristics from traditional mass media,such asthe fission speaking way, decentration, fragmentation,two-way communication,role conversion and so on. 自媒体是一种新兴的与传统媒体不同的媒体,有着“裂变式传播”、“去中心化”、“碎片化”、双向交流、角色转换等多种特点。 Self-media rely on platform and self-media paltform dont promote any information,they only support technology for user and ensure it working properly. Self-media never under control of a platform.The most special characteristic of Self-media differerent from traditional mass media is that reporter is receiver. All self-media platform users are self-media,users can report anything they want even rumor at anytime,and people can read the content and promote to their friends one by one whennever or wherever they like.This is the way that self-media work. Forms:BBS,Blog,Video web site,microblog Famous self-media platform in China:We-chat,QQ Space,Sina Microblog,Baidu Post Bar,Zhihu,Douban,Acfun,BiliBili etc. Famous foreign self-media platform:Facebok,Twitter etc. Considering the convenience of the Internet,there is no doubt that self-media are the most powerful media that we have ever see before.Its fast and efficiency,and the low cost make it welcome in society and rapidly widly spread. Traditional mass media being downfall,some closed or some transformed.So we can see CCTV ,Chinese Dialy, police,goverment, company, reporter, lawyer, teacher,stars,singer even The United Nations got their microblog accounts in china. And now some self-media unions have come out. Before self-media how traditional mass media drawing attention or leading people? The Iraq War Belief:Tell you the


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