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中国八大菜系 中英文对照wd_jl9oa
Baybay! * 中国饮食文化 Page ? * 苏菜 江苏省 粤菜 广东省 川菜 四川省 鲁菜 山东省 八大菜系 湘菜 湖南省 闽菜 福建省 浙菜 浙江省 徽菜 安徽省 一、八大菜系 * * 气候 条件 烹饪 特色 自然 地理 饮食 习惯 资源 资产 与菜系形成 相关的因素 悠久 历史 Chinese Eight Regional Cuisines 中国八大菜系 Chinese cuisine includes a variety of different flavors due to Chinas vast geography and diverse nationalities. Local dishes with their own distinctiveness can be roughly divided into eight regional cuisines * 苏菜 Jiangsu Cuisine: Also called Huaiyang, Jiangsu uses seafood as its main ingredient [inɡri:di?nt] and is known for carving [kɑ:vi?] techniques and a light, fresh and sweet flavor. 苏菜:江苏又名淮阳,菜肴以海鲜为主要原料,同样因其做工精美和口味清淡、香甜而出名。 * * 闽菜 Fujian Cuisine: A combination of Fuzhou, Quanzhou, and Xiamen Cuisine, Fujian is characterized by a pickled, sweet sour taste and bright colors. 闽菜:结合福州菜、泉州菜和厦门菜的特色,口味以甜酸咸香为主,色美味鲜。 * * 浙菜 Zhejiang Cuisine: Made up of Hanzhou, Ningbo and Shaoxing Cuisines, Zhejiang is enjoyed for its freshness, tenderness, and mellow [mel?u]fragrance [freiɡr?ns]. 浙菜:由杭州菜、宁波菜和绍兴菜组成,因其鲜嫩和口味清香而享誉盛名。 * * 湘菜 Hunan Cuisine: Including local cuisines of Xiangjiang Region, Dongting Lake and Xiangxi coteau, Hunan is known for its use of chili [t?ili], pepper [pep?] and shallot [??l?t], and a pungent [p?nd??nt] flavor. 湘菜:包括湘江流域、洞庭湖区和湘西山区的菜肴,以善用红辣椒、胡椒粉和香葱以及辛辣而闻名。 * * 徽菜 Anhui Cuisine: Anhui Cuisine focuses on cooking temperature, braising [breizi?], and stewing [stju:i?]. Hams are used to improve taste and sugar candy for freshness. 皖菜:主要强调烹饪的火候,还有炖和焖。一般加点火腿调味,或是加点使口味更清新。 * * Shandong Cuisine (Lu Cai) One of the oldest cuisines in China, with a history of 2,500 years. Originates from Confucius’ family banquette, then adopted by imperial kitchen. Lu cai has great influence in north China and has become the representative of North China cuisines * Shandong Cuisine (Lu Cai) Specializes in seafood like prawns, sea cucumber, flounder Also emphasize on soup gravy Traditional luxury royal banquette * * 鲁菜 Shandong Cuisine: A combination of