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SUZHOU SMT 产品更换工作指引 SMT Changeover instruction 信息分类: 三阶文件 文件编号: QT-00056 版本: 4.0 页码: PAGE 2 of NUMPAGES 10 相关部门审核 SUZHOU SMT 产品更换工作指引 SMT Changeover instruction 信息分类: 三阶文件 文件编号: QT-00056 生效日期: 2012/11/26 起草人: Yongxing Zhu 审核人: Cliff Zhang 批准人: Sam Zhang 版本: 4.0 页码: 1 of 10 相关部门审核 1.Product Revision 产品版本 Product Name产品名称 Applicable Product BOM Revision 适用的产品BOM版本 N/A N/A 2.Change history更改记录 Updated Ver.最新版本 Effective date 生效日期 Prepared by起草人 Brief of Amendments 更改内容摘要 1.0 2012/5/27 Yongxing Zhu New Issue 2.0 2012/9/7 Yongxing Zhu Add AOI and SPI process 3.0 2012/11/26 Yongxing Zhu Optimize changeover process 4.0 Dirk Zhu Add handed placement process 3.Purpose目的 Know clearly how to change over product, in order to guide operators to change over product correctly and achieve quickly change over goal. 明晰SMT产线转型操作,以指导转型员工正确操作,达到快速转型目标. 4.Scope范围 All related changeover personnels. 所有与生产线转型相关人员. 5.Definitions定义 5.1 Changeover: The process that production line changes from one product to another product. 转型的定义:是指生产线从一个产品切换到另一个产品的操作过程. 5.2 Changeover Time: Start time for the last PCB for the previous product begin to load into the reflow, end time for the first PCB for the next product has passed the reflow. 转型时间的定义:转型时间以炉前上一个型号最后一片板子进炉开始,到下一个型号第一片板子进炉结束 5.3 Changeover operators: The person who joins in changeover directly, it’s recommended that 5 people to finish a standard changeover operation, here be defined as: OP-1,OP-2,OP-3,OP-4,OP-5. OP-1 is DEK operator, OP-2 and Op-3 are placement operators, OP-4 is visual inspection before reflow, OP-5 is offline setting up team. 转型人员的定义:这里所定义的转型人员是指直接参与转型操作的人员,一个标准的转型操作建议由5人完成,这里分别定义为OP-1,OP-2,OP-3,OP-4,OP-5,其中OP-1为DEK操作员,OP-2和OP-3为贴片机操作员,OP-4为炉前人员,OP-5为离线上料组. 6.Responsibilities职责 Planner is res


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