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题 目 浅析顺丰速运(集团)有限公司成功之道
届: 2012届 专 业: 物流管理
学生姓名: 刘 强 学 号:
指导老师: 庄贝妮 职 称: 讲师
[摘要] 快递行业是高附加值的物流产业,与经济发展密切相关。现代物流业已经被确定为我国国民经济的重要产业和经济发展的新增长点。我国快递行业当前呈现国营、外资、民营快递三足鼎立格局。随着国家物流业调整振兴计划的实行和新《邮政法》的颁布实施,我国民营快递企业进入新的发展时期。本文从战略角度出发,结合理论和实际,运用定量分析和定性分析相结合的方法,分析了目前经营最为成功的民营快递企业顺丰速运有限公司的成功经营之道。本文的研究意义在于,为顺丰速运公司提出未来发展的对策建议,同时为我国民营快递企业走向成熟提供借鉴。
[关键词] 民营快递 顺丰速运 战略 成功
On?The?Success?Of Sf-express
[Abstract] Express industry is a high value-added logistics industry, and economic development are closely related. Modern logistics industry has been identified as an important industry of our national economy and economic development of the new growth point. The current status of Chinas express delivery industry, is state-owned, foreign and private delivery tripod structure, with the national logistics industry restructuring and rejuvenation of the scheme, and the new Postal Law was promulgated, Chinas private express delivery companies have entered a new period of development. From the strategic point of view, combining theory and practice, the use of quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis of the combination of methods, analysis of the current most successful private business enterprises Sf-express ,its success of business management. Significance of this research is that, for the express delivery companies Shunfeng Suggestions for future development, while the private express delivery companies for our maturing for reference.
[Key words] Private?Express Sf-express Strategy Success
TOC \o 1-2 \h \z \u
HYPERLINK \l _Toc 引言 PAGEREF _Toc \h 1
HYPERLINK \l _Toc 一、顺丰速运概述 PAGEREF _Toc \h 1
HYPERLINK \l _Toc (一)顺丰速运发展历程 PAGEREF _Toc \h 1
HYPERLINK \l _Toc (二)顺丰速运业务范围 PAGEREF _Toc \h 2
HYPERLINK \l _Toc (三)顺丰速运服务流程 PAGEREF _Toc \h 3