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Cognitive Linguistics lecture 9精品分析

Lecture 9 Cognitive Linguistics and FLT Shu Dingfang Journal of Foreign Languages Shanghai “Cognitive” has become a fashionable term Cognitive anthropology Cognitive psychology Cognitive grammar Cognitive semantics What is “cognition”? Cognition: The mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses.(New Oxford) Cognitive linguistics: Cognitive linguistics is not a single theory but is rather best characterized as a paradigm within linguistics, subsuming a number of distinct theories and research programs. It is characterized by an emphasis on explicating the intimate interrelationship between language and other cognitive faculties. Major theories in CL Cognitive Grammar (Langacker,R.) Cognitive Semantics (Talmy, L., Jackendoff, R.) Construction Grammar (Goldberg, A.) Metaphor (Lakoff, G M. Johnson.) Mental Space Theory (Fauconnier, G.) Major references Fauconnier, G. 1985. Mental spaces. Cambridge Fauconnier, G. 1997. Mappings in thought and language. Cambridge Frawley, W. 1992. Linguistic semantics. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers. Gibbs, R. Jr. Steen, G. 1997. Metaphor in cognitive linguistics. John Benjamins Publishing Company Lakoff, G. M. Johnson. 1980. Metaphors we live by. Chicago: University of Lakoff, G. 1987. Women, fire and dangerous things. Chicago: University of Langacker, R. 1987. Foundations of cognitive grammar: theoretical prerequisites. Stanford: Stanford Langacker, R. 1989. Foundations of cognitive grammar: descriptive applications. Stanford: Stanford Langacker, R. 1991. Concepts, image and symbol: the cognitive basis of grammar. Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter Langacker, R. 1999. Grammar and Conceptualization. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Levinson, S. 2000. Presumptive meanings. Cambridge, Talmy, L. 2000. Toward a cognitive semantics, Vol. 1: Concept structuring systems. Cambridge, Talmy, L. 2000. Toward a cognitive semantics, Vol. 2. Typology and process in co


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