One place that is very important in my life is my grandmothers 完形填空答案.docVIP

One place that is very important in my life is my grandmothers 完形填空答案.doc

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One place that is very important in my life is my grandmothers 完形填空答案

One place that is very important in my life is my grandmothers 完形填空答案   完形填空   阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。   One place that is very important in my life is my grandmothers house. She ___31___in a small   village in the south of the country. I go there every summer, to visit my grandmother, ___32___the city   and relax.   The village is just a group of white houses on a hillside with some shops, and it’s___33___peaceful.   One reason why I like it is because it’s a beautiful place. My grandmother has a lovely garden   and we always sit ___34___the trees, drinking sweet tea and chatting. It’s so pleasant. But the main   reason why this place is so important to me is___35___. She is so kind to me, and wonderful to talk to. Also, she’s a great cook and the meals she prepares are simple ___36___so fresh and. rich? No, no, I mean tasty. And she’s always giving me eh. What do you call ___37___? -small plates of food during the day, so I always return home feeling calm and refreshed and___38___!   I wouldn’t like ___39___there, though. I prefer living in the city. I’m a city person. I___40___live in a small village where everybody knows each other. I’d rather live in a busy, exciting place. But I really love visiting the villages for holiday.   31. A. lived B. will live C. lives D. was living   32. A. get up B. get away from C. get to D .get ready for   33. A. really B. quietly C. only D. hardly   34. A. in B. over C. on D. under   35. A. local people B. my friend C. my grandmother D. the teacher   36. A. or B. and C. so D. but   37. A. him B. me C. them D. us   38. A. fat B. ugly C. big D. lazy   39. A. living B. to live C. loving D. to love   40. A. don’t have to B. couldn’t C. would D. should   【答案】31. C 32. B 33. A 34. D 35. C 36. D 37. C 38. A 39. B 40. B   【解析】文章大意:在我生命中有一个很重要的地方是我祖母居住的南方的一个小村庄。我每年夏天都远离城市去那里看望我的祖母。那里非常安静,我祖母有一个花园,我们总是坐在树下喝茶、聊天。我的祖母对我很好,而且她的厨艺很棒,她做的饭菜简单而且新鲜…很好吃。所以每次回家都感觉



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