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毕业设计说明书 圆形拉伸件的冲压模具设计 学 院:  机械工程学院 专 业: 机械设计制造及其自动化 姓 名: *** 学 号: ********** 指导教师: **** 2011年 9 月 摘要 本设计是对给定的产品图进行冲压模模具设计。在综合考虑了经济性、零件的冲压工艺性以及复杂程度等诸多因素的基础上进行冲压工艺分析与计算的。文中还对冲压模具成型零件和其他相关零件的选择原则及选择方法进行了说明。期间要参考大量与冲压相关的资料和翻阅各种手册,并通过计算以确定模具结构及尺寸,通过不断的计算与修改,并在指导老师的悉心关怀和耐心指导下进行不间断的反复修改,最终确定画出了转配图和零件图。 通过这次毕业设计,结合我在生产实习中所看所想的一些东西,使我了解和掌握了许多实际的东西,实践证明,模具的设计和制造只有一些理论知识是不行的,任何模具的设计都要有一定的经验才可以设计出更合理性的模具。 关键词:冲压模,模具设计,冲压工艺性,模具结构,合理性。 Abstract The design is a map for a given product stamping die mold design. After considering the economy, part of the stamping process and the complexity of factors such as stamping process based on the analysis and calculations. The article also forming part of the stamping dies and other parts of the selection principles and selection methods are described. During the press to refer to a substantial amount of relevant information and to read manuals, and through the calculations to determine the structure and size of the mold, and by constantly calculating, and, in the instructors careful attention and patience under the guidance of continuous repeated changes finalize the transfer with a map and draw a parts diagram. With this graduation, combined with my internship in the production of the like to see some of the things that I understand and master the many practical things, proved that the mold design and manufacturing only some theoretical knowledge is not enough, any mold design should have some experience before they can design a more reasonable of the mold. Keywords: stamping die, die design, stamping process of the mold structure, and reasonable. 目录 摘要 PAGEREF _Toc264311882 \h I Abstract PAGEREF _Toc264311883 \h II 目录 PAGEREF _Toc264311884 \h III 第一章 引言2 1.1冲压模发展的历史 1.2冲压模在现代生产中的应用 1.3冲压模的市场状况 1.4当前冲压模具技术发展的三个特点 第二章 拉深模具设计 5 2.1 设计工件的零件图 5 2.2 冲裁件的工艺性分析 6 2.3 工艺方案确定 6 2.4 拉深工序力的计算 7 2.5 模具工作部分尺寸的计算 8 2.6



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