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浙江大学硕士学位论文 STYLEREF 标题,章标题(无序号) \* MERGEFORMAT 摘要 PAGE ii 基于Android的绘图软件开发 摘要 Android是Google于2007年发布的一款开源手机操作系统,由于Android最近几年的软件和硬件高速发展,越来越多的人开始使用Android并作为娱乐和工作平台。与此同时随着现代绘图软件的发展,这使得通过数码手段复制自然绘画体验成为可能,传统意义上的纸上作图已经失去优势。但是,目前Android平台并没有很多具有很好绘图效果的绘画工具应用。考虑到Android绘图软件的开发价值和很好的应用前景,本文主要研究基于Android移动平台的绘图软件开发。 本文所做的研究工作主要在以下几个方面: 将开源绘图软件MyPaint的笔刷引擎以Java语言重写并移植到Android平台,并以此引擎进行本文的Android绘图软件的开发。 将开源视频编码库FFMPEG成功移植到Android平台,利用此库进行用户绘画过程的录制,并生成MP4格式的视频。 分析了Android底层开发的原理和方法,探讨了一种利用JNI机制进行Android底层c/c++开发技术。 实现了Android绘图软件的开发。 关键词: Android, MyPaint, FFMPEG, NDK, 绘图软件 浙江大学硕士学位论文 Abstract 浙江大学硕士学位论文 Abstract PAGE ii PAGE VI Abstract Android is the opensource mobile operation system which release by Google in 2007. In recent years, more and more people begin to use Android devices as entertainment and working platform, because of the high speed development of Android software and hardware. Meanwhile, with the development of modern drawing software, the traditional drawing has lost its advantage, and made it possible copying nature painting experience through digital method. But the Android platform didnt have a lot of application which have good effect of paint. This paper mainly discuss about Android painting software development, considering of the value and good prospect for Android painting software. In this paper, the main research work done in the following aspects: 1. Rewrite the MyPaints brush engine in Java language and transplant it in Android platform.We will use this engine in our painting software development. 2. Transplant the FFMPEG to Android platform succeed and using it for recording users painting process, at last it will generate video file which is MP4 format. 3. Analysis the principle and method of low level component development in Android and discusses one o


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