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PAGE 2 本 科 毕 业 设 计 (2013届) 题 目: 电动升降机能量回收系统的设计 学 院: 机电工程学院 专  业: 汽车服务工程 班  级: 汽车本 姓 名: 学 号: 指导老师: 完成日期: 电动升降机能量回收系统的设计 摘 要:随着升降机的普及,给我们的生活带来了很多方便,但是升降机在使用过程中存在着很大的能耗问题,能源浪费严重。因此研究节能升降机,具有很重要的社会意义和经济价值。本文设计了一款基于超级电容器的升降机能量回收系统。该升降机是用变频调速式曳引机为主要的动力源,一端通过导向轮与对重相连接,另一端曳引钢丝绳利用单向轴承连接一个小型发电机,然后曳引钢丝绳连接轿厢,控制轿厢上下运动。当轿厢在向上运动时,单项轴承可以自由转动,此时小型发电机不工作。当轿厢向下移动时,单向轴承锁死,此时在重力势能的拉动下发电机转动开始发电并存储于超级电容器内。 关键词:发电机;超级电容器;单向轴承;升降机;重力势能 The Design of A Electric lift Energy Recovery System Abstract: With the popularization of the elevator, brings much convenience to our life, but the lift existing in the use of the great energy consumption. Therefore research on energy-saving elevator has a very important social significance and economic value. This paper introduces the design of a elevator energy recovery system based on super capacitor. The elevator is used in variable frequency speed regulation type traction machine as the main source of power, one end of the guide wheel and the other end is connected to the weight, the traction rope is connected with a one-way bearing a small generator, and the traction rope connected with a car, the car movement control. When the car in the upward movement, single bearing can rotate freely, small generators do not work this time. When the car to move, a one-way bearing lock, at this point in the gravitational potential energy under the pull of the generator to rotate to generate power and storage and super capacitor. Keywords:Generator; super capacitor; renewable energy; lift. 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc355774590 摘 要: PAGEREF _Toc355774590 \h I HYPERLINK \l _Toc355774591 Abstract:. PAGEREF _Toc355774591 \h II HYPERLINK \l _Toc355774593 1 引言 PAGEREF _Toc355774593 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc355774594 1.1 选题的背景 PAGER


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