高三英语总复习:人教版高中英语必修一Unit1 Unit one Friendship复习(重点导学、操练巩固).docVIP

高三英语总复习:人教版高中英语必修一Unit1 Unit one Friendship复习(重点导学、操练巩固).doc

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高三英语总复习:人教版高中英语必修一Unit1 Unit one Friendship复习(重点导学、操练巩固)

高三英语总复习:人教版高中英语必修一Unit1 Unit one Friendship复习(重点导学、操练巩固)   必修1   Unit one Friendship   一、重点导学   根据所给句子判断知识点的词性词义,并归纳其用法   1、add 词性: 词义:   Add up your score and see how many points you get. 把你的分数加起来,看看你能得多少。   If you add these numbers up, you will get 50.   Please add some sugar to my tea.   His schooling added up to no more than one year.   ※ 重点操练   He wouldn’t admit that the facts didn’t _______anything.(说明)   2、concern 词性: 词义:   Tell your friend that you are concerned about him / her and you will meet after class and talk then.告诉你的朋友你很关心他/她,然后下课后你们就可以见面交谈。   The news concerns our school.   Please don’t let my illness concern you.   We are all concerned for her safety.   It is impossible so far as I am concerned.   ※ 重点操练   _______, you can stay the whole summer.(就我而言)   3、reason 词性: 词义:   Make a list of reasons why friends are important to you. 列出朋友们对你为什么重要的理由。   Tell me the reason why you didn’t come yesterday.   We reasoned with them about the matter.   This is the reason that he gave us.   ※ 重点操练   There is ______ to study English well.(有充分理由)   4、else 词性: 词义:   Does a friend always have to be a person? What else can be your friend?   朋友一定是人吗?还有什么能做你的朋友?   What else do you want to buy?   Is there anything else that I can do for you?   Your words carry more weight than anybody else’s.   ※ 重点操练   ---Is this bike yours?   ---No, it’s ______.(别人的)   5、wonder 词性: 词义:   I wonder if it’s because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long that I’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.   我想知道是否由于我很久没出门以至于我对有关自然的东西都那么的疯狂。   I wonder if / whether he will come.   We are wondering what to do this afternoon.   The old couple wondered which flat was suitable for them.   While I was wondering at the question, I heard my name called.   ※ 重点操练   ---Tony was very bright and worked hard.   --- It was no ______ he always got first place in his studies. (难怪)   6、so…that 和such…that


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